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Conceptual Outcomes from ENSIE First Local Seminar Our Social Europe Project Iasi, July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Conceptual Outcomes from ENSIE First Local Seminar Our Social Europe Project Iasi, July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conceptual Outcomes from ENSIE First Local Seminar Our Social Europe Project Iasi, July 2015

2 Public Participation: examples Consejo para el Fomento de la Economia Social de Empleo Red de Inclusion del Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales Ayuntamiento de Logrono: adoption of a charter of values based on transparency and good governance ENSIE - supported by the European Union Program of Employment and Social Solidarity

3 Disadvantaged groups of citizens -Work integration of long term unemployed people -Work integration of disadvantaged group of youngsters -Work integration of women at risk of social exclusion ENSIE - supported by the European Union Program of Employment and Social Solidarity

4 How to develop an effective participative strategy? -Creation of dedicated places to discuss -Development of a coordinated system of round tables among organizations working on the same topic -Public consultations -Promote an efficient education system is the fundamental basis of every successful participatory mechanism -Social economy (social streets, co housing, co working etc) ENSIE - supported by the European Union Program of Employment and Social Solidarity

5 Good Practices -Colectivo 15M -Grupos de desarrollo local -Associations of neighbors ENSIE - supported by the European Union Program of Employment and Social Solidarity

6 Thanks for you attention! ENSIE - supported by the European Union Program of Employment and Social Solidarity

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