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Power to the people! 8.16.2012 Introducing Open Linked Data services to the national legal database of the Library of the National Congress of Chile.

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Presentation on theme: "Power to the people! 8.16.2012 Introducing Open Linked Data services to the national legal database of the Library of the National Congress of Chile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power to the people! 8.16.2012 Introducing Open Linked Data services to the national legal database of the Library of the National Congress of Chile

2 LEGISLATION Legislation is public information… … and must be of public domain

3 LEGISLATION Juridical certainty certitude of the content of the legal norm

4 LEGISLATION 50’s card based compilation of references of links between norms and classified them by subject

5 LEGISLATION 80´s the card system was replaced by an automated STAIRS based system

6 LEGISLATION normsmidst 90’s the system was replaced by a client-server BASIS PLUS architecture, which could reconstruct online the whole texts of the norms

7 LeyChile Released 2008

8 Library of the National Congress of Chile Ley 22000 1.- abc 2.- def 3.- ghi Ley 22000 1.- abc 2.- def 3.- ghi (original) 1.- abc 2.- def 3.- ghi (original) 1.- abc 2.- def 3.- ghi Official Gazette Ley 22000 LeyChile

9 Library of the National Congress of Chile Ley 25345 1.- Modifica ley 22000 Art. 1 sustitúyase a por xyz Ley 25345 1.- Modifica ley 22000 Art. 1 sustitúyase a por xyz (original) 1.- abc 2.- def 3.- ghi (original) 1.- abc 2.- def 3.- ghi (updated) 1.- xyzbc 2.- def 3.- ghi (updated) 1.- xyzbc 2.- def 3.- ghi Ley 25345 1.- Modifica ley 22000 Art. 1 sustitúyase a por xyz Ley 25345 1.- Modifica ley 22000 Art. 1 sustitúyase a por xyz Ley 22000 Ley 25345 Official Gazette LeyChile

10 Modeling the “life” of a legal norm

11 LeyChile Modeling the “life” of a legal norm

12 LeyChile Modeling the “life” of a legal norm

13 LeyChile Modeling the “life” of a legal norm

14 LeyChile Modeling the “life” of a legal norm

15 LeyChile

16 XML Text: versions, hyperlinks, references, notes Structure: Hierarchical organization of the parts of a norm Metadata: additional information of the formal document, such as identification of the norm, subjects, free retrieval terms, etc. LeyChile

17 XML Text: versions, hyperlinks, references, notes Structure: Hierarchical organization of the parts of a norm Metadata: additional information of the formal document, such as identification of the norm, subjects, free retrieval terms, etc.

18 LeyChile our offer to humans

19 LeyChile our offer to machines WSDL (

20 LeyChile our offer to machines WSDL ( Links, widgets, web services (

21 LeyChile Natural extension Improve interoperability (more formats) Create domain ontologíes Offer a solution to complex queries using a SPARQL endpoint First step: expose metadata of the norms is it possible to incorporate linked-open data (LOD)?

22 LOD principles URIs Careful design (acts, laws, decrees, rules, resolutions…) FRBR Work ley 20000 Expression updated version for year 2012 updated version for year 2012 Manisfestation file XML 1 N 1 1 N N Item physical XML in one specific server physical XML in one specific server

23 LOD principles URIs Decree 341; published november 11, 2008; of the Ministry of Education Original version Another version

24 LOD principles RDF

25 LOD principles LINKS Relations to other datasets: countries (International Treaties) DBPedia, Geonames Vocabulary/Ontologies reuse SKOS, DC, FOAF, DBPedia, ORG

26 Complex query Find all the ordinances published by a municipality between 1995 and 2000 that were modified after 2005 PREFIX dc: PREFIX n: SELECT distinct str(?normTitle) as ?Titulo str(?creatorName) as ?Municipio ?pubDate as ?Fecha_Publicacion ?pubDateOther as ?Fecha_modificacion WHERE { ?norm n:createdBy ?creator. ?creator n:hasName ?creatorName. ?norm dc:title ?normTitle. ?norm n:publishDate ?pubDate. ?norm n:isModifiedBy ?otherNorm. ?otherNorm n:publishDate ?pubDateOther. FILTER (regex(?creatorName,"MUNICIPALIDAD","i")) FILTER (?pubDate > xsd:date("1995") && ?pubDate < xsd:date("2000") && ?pubDateOther > xsd:date("2005")) } ORDER BY (?pubDate) PREFIX dc: PREFIX n: SELECT distinct str(?normTitle) as ?Titulo str(?creatorName) as ?Municipio ?pubDate as ?Fecha_Publicacion ?pubDateOther as ?Fecha_modificacion WHERE { ?norm n:createdBy ?creator. ?creator n:hasName ?creatorName. ?norm dc:title ?normTitle. ?norm n:publishDate ?pubDate. ?norm n:isModifiedBy ?otherNorm. ?otherNorm n:publishDate ?pubDateOther. FILTER (regex(?creatorName,"MUNICIPALIDAD","i")) FILTER (?pubDate > xsd:date("1995") && ?pubDate < xsd:date("2000") && ?pubDateOther > xsd:date("2005")) } ORDER BY (?pubDate)

27 First step finished in may 2011 More than 300.000 norms exported ≈27 triples by norm ≈8 million triples 200 to 400 triples added each day

28 David Robinson and Harlan Yu in “El desafío hacia el gobierno abierto en la hora de la igualdad”, Gastón Concha y Alejandra Naser (eds.), Santiago, CEPAL, 2012 “Open data does not create its own demand. The government should compromise the developers”

29 Visualizations


31 Third party development

32 Source: Orand. S.A.

33 Actual and future work More datasets at the endpoint: biographies, transparency, geographical data, history of the law, legislative documents… Expose parts of a legal norm and their metadata

34 Visualizations

35 Complex queries made easy

36 Findings Open data, open linked data, semantic web is more than a technology… it is a way of managing information Visualization is not a final product, is a feedback process of data “ablution” and improving the visualization Creates value for ourselves 1 Many technical details and challenges remain unsolved 1 1.- David Robinson and Harlan Yu in “El desafío hacia el gobierno abierto en la hora de la igualdad”, Gastón Concha y Alejandra Naser (eds.), Santiago, CEPAL, 2012

37 Power to the people! Introducing Open Linked Data services to the national legal database of the Library of the National Congress of Chile 8.16.2012

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