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Anglian Water’s Metering and Water Saving Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Anglian Water’s Metering and Water Saving Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglian Water’s Metering and Water Saving Programme

2 Sarah Castelvecchi Water Saving Project Manager

3 Agenda 1. Background to Anglian Water 2. Future Challenges 3. Water Saving Programme 4. Next Steps 5. How can we support you working with your tenants?



6 Future challenges:  Population growth  Climate change impacts  Protecting the environment Why do we ask our customer to save water?

7 Enhanced Metering 86,000 Bits and Bobs 120,000 Proactive Meter Exchanges 420,000 WAV E

8 Almost 80% of customers across the region already pay for what they use.


10 Meters that are around 12 years old will be replaced, this makes sure we can get better, more accurate meter readings. Households are eligible for a Bits and Bobs visit too



13 Save water, energy and money Approx. 25% of an average household gas/ electricity bill is down to heating of water Approx. 25% of an average household gas/ electricity bill is down to heating of water

14 Next Steps Where we’ll be fitting meters in your area: -Providing letter to customers -Newsletters -Switching advice -Community officers

15 1.Postcodes to help map out where you’re housing stock is in our water supply areas. 2.Piggy-backing onto other services you provide e.g. maintenance visits. 3.Providing housing officers with water saving messages, tarrif information, etc. 4.Internal communication e.g. newsletters and social media 5.Community events e.g. Big Energy Saving Week, etc Next Steps

16 How can we support you working with your tenants?

17 Contact Us IMDS Metering Programme – Robert Mann, IMDS Water Saving Initiatives – Sarah Castelvecchi, IMDS Communications Manager – Will Silverside,


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