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Culturable Bacterial Communities Analyzer DIANA VANESSA SARRIA-ZUNIGA ELIANA TORRES-ZELADA April 29, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Culturable Bacterial Communities Analyzer DIANA VANESSA SARRIA-ZUNIGA ELIANA TORRES-ZELADA April 29, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culturable Bacterial Communities Analyzer DIANA VANESSA SARRIA-ZUNIGA ELIANA TORRES-ZELADA April 29, 2016

2 Bacterial 16S rRNA Modified from: sequence-analysis PCR amplification of region V3-V6 Modified from: 2. Sanger sequencing PCR product V3-V6

3 REQUIREMENTS: 1.Access to Purdue servers 2.Access to Purdue Bioinformatics Core facility: -module perl/5.20.1 -module CAP3/12.21.07 -module muscle/3.8.425 -module mothur/1.34.4 -module usearch/5.2.236 3. GAST ( Global Assignment of Sequence Taxonomy for SSU rRNA ) files

4 1. DOWNLOAD: TRIMMED SEQUENCES AND QUALITY SCORE FILES Trimmed sequences Quality score file LWP::UserAgent Screen scrapping  links

5 2. ASSEMBLY CAP3 FORWARD AND REVERSE COMPLEMENT SEQUENCES  CONTIGS Perl script: Reverse complement One file per sample  Run CAP3 per sample  Store all contigs in one file

6 3. ALIGNMENT MUSCLE: ALIGN CONTIGS TO SEARCH REGION V3, V6 AND V3-V6 Perl Script: search primers V3F, V3R, V6F, V6R and extract the three regions Input: contigs  MUSCLE  Output: Alignment of contigs

7 4. TAXONOMY ASSIGNMENT GAST File with all regions V3 File with all regions V6 OUTPUT GAST

8 6. DATABASE MySQL One table i. Colony ID ii. Taxonomy GAST Region V3: Domain;Phylum;Class;Order;Family;Genus;Species iii. Taxonomy GAST Region V6 Domain;Phylum;Class;Order;Family;Genus;Species. iv. BLAST Region V3-V6 v. Final Taxonomy 5. FINAL IDENTIFICATION Perl script: compare taxonomy assigned for V3 and V6 region of each colony. If they agree  final identification. If they do not agree  submit the V3-V6 fasta file to BLAST and keep the best 5 hits.


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