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The Peace-building Partnership. Instrument for Stability  Article 3 – assistance in response to situations of crisis or emerging crisis  Article 4 –

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Presentation on theme: "The Peace-building Partnership. Instrument for Stability  Article 3 – assistance in response to situations of crisis or emerging crisis  Article 4 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Peace-building Partnership

2 Instrument for Stability  Article 3 – assistance in response to situations of crisis or emerging crisis  Article 4 – assistance in the context of stable conditions for cooperation  Article 4(1) – threats to law and order, to the security and safety of individuals, to critical infrastructure and to public health  Article 4 (2) – risk mitigation and preparedness relating to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials or agents  Article 4(3 ) – pre- and post-crisis capacity building

3 Instrument for Stability – Article 4(3)  “Support for long-term measures aimed at building and strengthening the capacity of international, regional and sub-regional organizations, state and non-state actors in relation to their efforts in:  (a) promoting early-warning, confidence-building, mediation and reconciliation, and addressing emerging inter-community tensions;  (b) improving post-conflict and post-disaster recovery.  Measures under this point shall include know-how transfer, the exchange of information, risk/threat assessment, research and analysis, early-warning systems and training”  This support is called the Peace-building Partnership

4 Peace-building Partnership  Established under the crisis-preparedness component (Article 4.3) of Instrument for Stability  Aims at mobilising and consolidating civilian expertise for peace-building  Addresses:  civil society actors  international/regional organizations  agencies in EU Member States  launched at Conference ‘From Early Warning to Early Action’, Brussels, 12-13 November 2007  More information:

5 Peace-building Partnership  Over-arching Instrument for Stability (2007-2013) programming documents: - 2007-2011 Strategy Paper envisages 100 million euro for crisis-preparedness component - 2007-2008 Indicative Programme envisages 15 million euro for “capacity-building for crisis response” - 2009-2011 Indicative Programme envisages 30-39 million euro for building capacity for effective crisis response  Annual Action Programmes 2007(7 million euro); 2008 (8 million euro); 2009 (5 million); 2010 (20 million euro); 2011 (draft – 15 million euro)

6 Annual Action Programmes 2007-2011  Priority Areas  1) Peace-building Partnership Support:  - call for proposals from civil society sector for capacity-building 2008;  - calls from call for proposals from civil society sector for capacity-building 2011 (implemented via EU Delegations in the field)  2) Co-operation with international organizations, notably from the UN on natural resources and conflict (UNDP); post conflict and post disaster needs assessment (UNDP); mediation (DPA/UNDP); peace-building assistance database (PBSO); disaster risk reduction (UNISDR); disarmament, de-mobilization and re-integration (UNDP); women, peace and security (UN Women); security sector reform (DPKO). Co-operation with regional organizations (African Union, League of Arab States) on building early warning capacity  3) Training  - work on training standards and training of experts with regard to civilian crisis response (ENTRi)  - training with respect to police aspects of civilian stabilization missions

7 Civil Society Dialogue Network (CSDN)  Set up with a view to enhancing dialogue between EU instiutions and civil society on peace-building issues  Operational since August 2010 for a period of three years  Managed by the European Peace-building Liaison Office (EPLO), but open to any interested civil society organization  Organizes consultation meetings on: - thematic issues (women, peace and security; situations of fragility and conflict; security sector reform); - specific geographical crisis situations (south Cacasus, southern Mediterranean – planned) - Instrument for Stability-related issues (2012-2013 Strategy Paper) - issues of concern to civil society in individual EU Member States (Finland, the Netherlands, Romania) - in-country meetings to discuss potential contributions of civil society actors to the objectives of CSDP missions  In addition to representatives from civil society, relevant representatives from all relevant EU institutions (includingEuropean Parliament), EU Member States and international organizations are invited to these meetings

8 Peace-building Partnership web-portal  Serves as a channel of communication between EU institutions and civil society organizations with regard to developments relating to the Peace-building Partnership and Civil Society Dialogue Network 


10 Peace-building Partnership  Andrew Byrne  Division for Conflict Prevention, Peace-building and Mediation  European External Action Service  Tel: 00-32-2-2954868  E-mail:

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