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The ‘deliverer’ gives the people YWVH’s law as a ‘means’ to live the covenant (“I will be your God and you will be my people”) Moses and the Law.

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Presentation on theme: "The ‘deliverer’ gives the people YWVH’s law as a ‘means’ to live the covenant (“I will be your God and you will be my people”) Moses and the Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ‘deliverer’ gives the people YWVH’s law as a ‘means’ to live the covenant (“I will be your God and you will be my people”) Moses and the Law








9 My experiences Hebrew experiences – Moses taking ‘forever’ – Golden calf (Ten Commandments) Idolatry (not substitution) -- US ‘Death’ and Prolonged exile (but not 40 yrs…yet) -- US – To Canaan 12 spies and doubt -- US 40 years of wandering -- US Manna (what was it?) – God’s sustenance -- US Entrance (w/o Moses) to land flowing -- US – Judges, Kings, Prophets -- US – The Law The most important part of this!

10 Role of the Law Means by which the covenant is to be lived out How many? Dot or Tiddle (Dt, Lev) Added, edited, “redactions” - Practical; - Sustained institutions; - Re-emphasized the Core Beliefs…the Decalogue. The last is the most important…

11 Jesus did not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it! He is (embodies) the new Law. Law of the covenant. He is the new covenant. Can be summarized… He is the new passover (of death). He is the new Moses. He is the new Abraham. He and the Father are One. He is the Messiah, the promised one, the fulfiller!

12 Next week… All of this AND all of his teachings are made manifest / fully realized in the Last Supper, Condemnation, Crucifixion, Death/Burial, and Resurrection. The Last Supper even manifests all of the paschal (the lamb, the passing) mystery “Christ has died, Christ is Risen, Christ will come again” Last Supper = Passover Meal = Pessah = Seder Meal

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