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GIS and Spatial Analysis1 Summary  Parametric Test  Interval/ratio data  Based on normal distribution  Difference in Variances  Differences are just.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS and Spatial Analysis1 Summary  Parametric Test  Interval/ratio data  Based on normal distribution  Difference in Variances  Differences are just."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS and Spatial Analysis1 Summary  Parametric Test  Interval/ratio data  Based on normal distribution  Difference in Variances  Differences are just sampling error  F test with two variances  Difference in Means  t test with small sample with same variance  t test with small sample with different variance  z test with large sample  Difference in a Mean and a Fixed Value  t test with small sample  z test with large sample

2 GIS and Spatial Analysis2 HYPOTHESIS TESTERS III 1.Significance of Pearson’s C (1)Significance of Pearson’s C (1) 2.Significance of Regression Parameters(1)Significance of Regression Parameters(1) Nonparametric Test 3.Chi-Square Statistic (3)Chi-Square Statistic (3) 4.Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient (3)Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient (3) 5.Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (1)Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (1) Summary and Next… Geography KHU Jinmu Choi

3 GIS and Spatial Analysis 3 Significance of Pearson’s C To evaluate the correlation between two sets H 0 : Correlation coefficient is not different from 0 t-Statistics with n-2 degree of freedom Ex: the correlation between medium household income and median housing value for the 50 states and D.C: r = 0.79, n=51 t calculated = 9.0196 Test at 0.05 significance level t critical(49, 0.05) = 1.677, t critical(49, 0.025) = 2.011 Reject H 0

4 GIS and Spatial Analysis4 Significance of Reg. Par. Regression parameters Y = a + bx To test the Validity of the model If the estimated slope parameter,, is significantly different from zero; H 0 : = 0 t-Statistics with (n-1) d.f. To test the meaning of the model f-Test for the coefficient of determination: r 2 (1, n-2) degrees of freedom

5 GIS and Spatial Analysis5 Nonparametric Statistics The distribution of the data is not known or the data are categorical variables Nominal or ordinal scale Test methods Chi-square test for nominal data Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient t test for strong ordinal data Kolmogorov-Smirnov D Test for weak ordinal data

6 GIS and Spatial Analysis6 Chi-Square Test Two Nominal data Correlation has meaning or not H0: the observed statistic is not significantly different from zero Chi-Square Statistics calculated

7 AB32317 Chi-Square Test II critical value Degree of freedom: (c-1)(r-1) = 4 Significance level: 0.05 critical value = 9.488 Test result Reject H 0 is different from 0 Correlation has meaning GIS and Spatial Analysis7

8 AB32318 Spearman’s Rank Correlation Correlation with two strong ordered data Rank for crime rate vs. safety of each city Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (r s ) d i = x i –y i :difference in rank, not high or low value Just how much they differ r s =1: two ranks are the same or very similar r s =-1: two ranks are exactly opposite GIS and Spatial Analysis8

9 AB32319 Examples of r s r s = Meaning? r s =0.8662 Meaning: rankings are strongly and positively correlated GIS and Spatial Analysis9

10 AB323110 Correlation Test H0: the correlation coefficient is not significantly different from 0 t statistics with d.f. = n-1 t calculated with d.f. = 50, r s = 0.8662 t critical value with d.f = 50 Significance level: 0.05 Test result Reject H 0 Correlation has meaning GIS and Spatial Analysis10

11 AB323111 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Weak ordered data with group If the distributions of two samples of a weak- ordered variable are significantly different or not H0: two distributions are not significantly different K-S D statistic cp a : cumulative probability of each category in group a cp b : cumulative probability of each category in group b D critical value with n1, n2, significance level If D calculated > D critical value, reject H 0 GIS and Spatial Analysis11

12 AB323112 K-S D Test example GIS and Spatial Analysis12 D calculated with 20, 24 = 0.2333 D critical (20,24, 0.05) = 0.4118 D calculated < D critical value, fail to reject H 0

13 GIS and Spatial Analysis13 Summary Parametric Test Continue Significance of Pearson’s C using t-Statistic Correlation is not different from 0 Significance of Regression Parameters Validity: t-statistic Meaning: F-test Nonparametric Test Chi-Square Statistic Meaning of the correlation between two nominal or categorical data H0: the observed statistic is not significantly different from zero Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient using t-statistic Correlation between two strong ordered data Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test using K-S D-statistic Correlation between two weak ordered data

14 GIS and Spatial Analysis14 Next Lab8: Significance of Correlation Coefficient and Nonparametric Test Statistics Lec9: Point Pattern Descriptor: mean center, standard distance

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