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Page 1 Informačné stretnutie Erasmus koordinátorov 26. – 27. júna 2012, Zvolen Erasmus Centralizované aktivity.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 Informačné stretnutie Erasmus koordinátorov 26. – 27. júna 2012, Zvolen Erasmus Centralizované aktivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 Informačné stretnutie Erasmus koordinátorov 26. – 27. júna 2012, Zvolen Erasmus Centralizované aktivity

2 Page 2 2 EU 2020 EU political agenda for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth through an economy based on knowledge and innovation Lifelong learning + mobility Quality and efficiency Equity + social cohesion Creativity+ innovation Updated strategic framework for European co-operation in education and training E&T2020 Higher education and research are high on the EU agenda. Reforms are needed to allow universities to play their full part in reaching policy objectives

3 Page 3 Multilateral projects Cooperation between HE and enterprises Social dimension in higher education Develop mobility strategies and remove barriers to mobility Modernisation of higher education (curriculum, governance & funding) Fostering excellence and innovation Multilateral projects Cooperation between HE and enterprises Social dimension in higher education Develop mobility strategies and remove barriers to mobility Modernisation of higher education (curriculum, governance & funding) Fostering excellence and innovation Academic Networks Accompanying Measures Calls 2011-2013

4 Page 4 Multilateral projects activities for EU dimension Dissemination of outputs Cooperation of HE Institutions and relevant stakeholders Innovation Applying European policy framework 5 specific priorities

5 Page 5 Academic Networks Common platform for sharing knowledge Exchange of information/ methodologies and disseminating good practices Producing and promoting creativity and innovation

6 Page 6 Accompanying Measures Shorter action (1 year) Relevance to Modernisation Agenda of HE Contribute to dissemination of projects results Synergies between actions Enhancing implementation of Erasmus mobility

7 Page 7 General conditions Erasmus Centralised Actions Maximum EU Grant (75% of total project costs) Minimum/ Maximum project duration Minimum member of partner organisations Multilateral projects 400.000 € Min: 2 years Max: 3 years Minimum 3 partners from at least 3 LLP countries (of which at least one must be an EU member state) * Multilateral networks 600.000 € Min and max: 3 years Minimum 25 partners from 25 LLP countries (of which at least one must be an EU member state) * Accompanying Measures 150.000 € Min and max: 1 year One or several institutions (applicant organisation from LLP countries) * Any third county partner is in addition to the minimum number of LLP countries

8 Page 8 8 20072008200920102011 Networks 52,842,445,262,165,3 Multilateral projects 6,187,177,086,194,86 Accompanying Measures 14,89,322,06,44,9 Partnership average

9 Page 9

10 Page 10

11 Page 11 Degree of coverage of HE policy priorities by Erasmus centralised actions

12 Page 12 (2010) (2010) (Sept 2012) (Sept 2012) European Center for Project/Internship Excellence (Sept 2014, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, partner STU)

13 Page 13 Erasmus Mobility Quality Tools (2011, Universitá degli Studi di Padova) Fostering mobility of students with disabilities (Sept 2011, UNICA, partner UK Bratislava) European Digital Virtual Design lab (Sept 2013, Limburg Catholic University College, partner TU Košice)

14 Page 14 www.aca- ENPMOB - Comparative study of European and national-level policies and practices on academic mobility (Jan 2012) IMPI – Indicators for Mapping and Profiling Internationalisation (Sept 2012, koord. CHE Consult) MOWIN - Mapping "mobility windows" in European higher education. Examples from selected countries (Sept 2013)

15 Page 15 (Sept 2010) the STudent Experience Exchange platform (Sept 2011) (, and

16 Page 16 - Mapping University Mobility of Staff and Students (Sept 2012) Prime, Prime 2010 SocialErasmus (Sept 2012)

17 Page 17 17 DG Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) LLP – Erasmus – Project compendia n.php Useful links

18 Page 18 Kontakt alebo Katarína Šmálová Informačné stretnutie Erasmus koordinátorov 26. – 27. júna 2012, Zvolen

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