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Website: 34 King Street, Dandenong Vic 3175 Presented by: Robyn Coslovich Manager Dandenong Neighbourhood House Beverley Garrett.

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Presentation on theme: "Website: 34 King Street, Dandenong Vic 3175 Presented by: Robyn Coslovich Manager Dandenong Neighbourhood House Beverley Garrett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Website: 34 King Street, Dandenong Vic 3175 Presented by: Robyn Coslovich Manager Dandenong Neighbourhood House Beverley Garrett Regional Community Work Program Manager South East Metropolitan Region Department of Justice and Regulation

2 May, 2015  Community Correctional Services manages and facilitates the successful completion of terms of imprisonment and community-based supervision orders imposed by a court or the Adult Parole Board.  This includes developing partnerships with community organisations so that offenders or prisoners can complete unpaid community work.  For prisoners this can mean either undertaking the work within the boundaries of the prison, or on the outside as part of a supervised team.  The work serves as a valuable way for offenders and prisoners to make reparation for the harm or damage caused by their offending behaviour, while also reconnecting and reintegrating them back into the community.  Sometimes a work placement is all that an offender or prisoner needs to make a fresh start in life as community work can contribute to increased self-esteem and well-being, and give them a new purpose and direction.  Many projects also incorporate accredited training which may reduce re-offending by increasing work opportunities and skills. Repay, Rehabilitate, Reintegrate

3 Vision and Mission Our Vision Form an inclusive community to support vulnerable or disadvantaged clients to make positive changes to their lives. Our Mission Improve client’s lives through education, learning, support, partnership and choice. May, 2015

4 May, 2015 Involving Identifying Determining Partnering Evaluating CommunityDevelopmentPracticeModel Six steps that enable Neighbourhood Houses to meet the needs of their local communities. Community Development

5 May, 2015 Involving Identifying Partnering Determining Evaluating CommunityDevelopmentPracticeModel Six steps that enable Neighbourhood Houses to meet the needs of their local communities. Community Development Neighbourhood House Neighbourhood House Community Correctional Services Community Correctional Services Offenders Offenders Community Members Community Members NH Staff NH Staff Corrections Staff Corrections Staff Programs and Activities that have a community benefit outcome Consultation and Collaboration about starting a program Attendance Attendance Program Review Program Review Benefit to the Offenders and Community Benefit to the Offenders and Community

6 May, 2015 NH Sector Principles Community Ownership Community Participation Empowerment Access and Equity Lifelong Learning Inclusion Networking Advocacy Self-Help Social Action Outcomes Achieved by our Community Work Partnerships Programs

7 Client Demographics May, 2015 Dandenong’s Total Population – 150,000 Residents from 150 different nations. 60% born overseas 55% from non English speaking countries 64% speak languages other than English at home City of Greater Dandenong: 147,055 Residents 8,000 Businesses 14% of Australia’s GDP 70,000 Employees 34% in the manufacturing industry Community Work Partnership Programs 15% of ACFE Student Contact Hours Delivery

8 Types of Programs May, 2015 Landscaping Connections Skills development in horticulture and landscaping that can lead to employment Daily organisation of tasks – prioritising tasks for completion Team work and negotiation skills Male only activity Mums N Bubs Skills development in sewing and basic maths with measurement calculation of materials, designing projects Female only activity to create a supportive, safe environment Builds self-esteem and confidence Team work and task allocation Connecting Creative Communities Skills development in visual arts that can lead to self employment selling articles at market stalls or on ebay Female only activity to create a supportive, safe environment English for All Development of english language skills for those with little or no literacy skills Long Term program that needs time to develop skills Increase opportunities for employment Offenders learn about workplace english and Australian OH&S laws

9 May, 2015 Community Benefit from Programs Mums N Bubs Partnership with Monash Hospital and Australian Action on Pre Eclampsia(AAPEC) Mums who deliver babies prematurely receive quilts that are placed over the humidity crib to brighten the nursery and create darkness for babies. Mums take home the quilts when babies leave the hospital Bonding quilts are 2 small squares – 1 of which worn by the mother to gain her scent and then placed in crib with baby to help bonding process Program development into sewing of “Angel Gowns” – program suggestion was from women offenders. Landscaping Connections Landscaping of the Neighbourhood House front garden and rejuvenation of an unused childcare area Redesign and redevelopment of NH Community Garden

10 May, 2015 Community Benefit from Programs Connecting Creative Communities Creation of pots, vases, picture frames that are donated to aged care facilities for aged patients to brighten their rooms and surroundings To help build their confidence female offenders research projects and offer suggestions for activities to be completed. Women make their own presentations to the community organisations. English for All Development of english language skills to reduce the risk of workplace accidents Development of posters about workplace OH&S for the person with little or no literacy skills Increasing knowledge and changing attitudes towards workplace safety and how it affects the offenders and the employers

11 May, 2015 Program Hours Delivered to Date Attended - 703.25 hours English for All since 2012 Attended - 1176.35 hours Mums N Bubs since 2014 Attended - 1190.10 hours Connecting Creative Communities since 2013 Attended - 794.45 hours Landscaping Connections since 2014

12 May, 2015 Benefits to Offenders Engagement in the Community Increased Self Esteem and Self Worth Sense of Belonging Development of Life and Work Related Skills Volunteering Opportunities Reduction in Risk of Re-offending

13 May, 2015 Benefits to Neighbourhood House Program recruitments completed by Department of Justice Choice in acceptance of offenders Delivery of contracted Student Contact Hours for ACFE Partnership and network building within the community Work tasks completed that would not otherwise have been able to be undertaken Great support from Community Correctional Services Staff

14 May, 2015 Benefits to Community Correctional Services Reducing the risk of re-offending Enabling offenders to successfully complete their community work hours and orders Providing offenders excellent opportunities to pay back to the community Providing offenders with educational opportunities to increase their employment opportunities and pathways into further education and training Stakeholder development – meeting the needs in the local community

15 May, 2015 Recognition of Achievements Department of Justice Community Work Partnerships Awards held annually at the MCG celebrates the diverse partnerships that Community Correctional Services has with the Victorian community 2014 saw 58 nominations judged from across the State Dandenong Neighbourhood House Awarded 2013 – Runner-up – English for All in the Projects Involving Diversity, Indigenous and Aged Offenders/Prisoners 2014 – Runner-up - Educational Institution/Educational Programs

16 May, 2015  Dedicated staff who run the programs and follow procedures  Support received from South East Metropolitan Region (SEMR) Community Work Team  To the offenders who engage in the programs and making them a success  DNH Board for their support in enabling us to get programs running Thanks

17 May, 2015 Contact Us Dandenong Neighbourhood House 34 King Street Dandenong 3175 Telephone: (03) 9792 5298 Facsimile: (03) 9793 0152 Email: Website:

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