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Lesson IX Imperative Verbs Declension Review. filia, filiae (f.) daughter.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson IX Imperative Verbs Declension Review. filia, filiae (f.) daughter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson IX Imperative Verbs Declension Review

2 filia, filiae (f.) daughter

3 hora, horae (f.) hour

4 meus, mea, meum my, mine

5 quintus, quinta, quintum fifth

6 tuus, tua, tuum your, yours (singular)

7 paene almost

8 semper always

9 Present Imperative Verbs All the verb charts we have studied so far have been in the indicative mood. The indicative mood is used to make statements or ask questions. We have learned the present indicative and future indicative.

10 Present Imperative Verbs Imperative mood: used to give commands. Announce the news! Carry the water, slave. Show the road to the girls. Sailors, prepare the boat!

11 Present Imperative Verbs A singular imperative gives a command to one person. In Latin, the singular imperative is the same as the present stem of the verb…drop the –re from the infinitive. porto, portare: carry singular imperative: PORTA! (carry!) Porta aquam, puella. (Carry the water, girl.)

12 Present Imperative Verbs A plural imperative gives a command to more than one person. To form the plural imperative, add –te to the singular imperative. porto, portare: carry Plural imperative: porta + te = PORTATE! Puellae, portate aquam! (Girls, carry the water!)

13 Present Imperative Verbs An imperative usually stands at or near the beginning of a Latin sentence. Do not confuse the –a ending of the singular imperative with the ablative noun ending –a. The imperative is used only with verb words.

14 Practicing Imperatives Infinitive amare laudare portare navigare parare Singular, Plural Imperative Ama! Amate! Lauda! Laudate! Porta! Portate! Naviga! Navigate! Para! Parate!

15 Things to Take Away From This Lesson Imperative verbs give commands. The singular imperative verb is the verb stem. The plural imperative verb is the verb stem + te.

16 Imperative Practice! Translate in your notes for reference. Puella, porta aquam ad casam. Navigate ad insulam, nautae! Para cibum! Ama filiam tuam et filia tua te (you) amabit. Serva pecuniam tuam.

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