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The IRP. Last name, first name My name Class, hour Date Component #1- Fiction Author. Book Title. City Where Published: published by (Company Name). year.

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Presentation on theme: "The IRP. Last name, first name My name Class, hour Date Component #1- Fiction Author. Book Title. City Where Published: published by (Company Name). year."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IRP

2 Last name, first name My name Class, hour Date Component #1- Fiction Author. Book Title. City Where Published: published by (Company Name). year published.

3 Component #1 (the bibliography information) will be at the top of the first page of EVERY component handed in!

4 Bibliography information (component #1) A main point in the novel ________, by _______, is_______________.  One sentence that states the main point.  One sentence that ties the main point specifically to the book.

5  Make a list of events every 6-8 pages throughout the ENTIRE novel.  Number your list and include page numbers for the information.  These are not quotes, they are in your own words.

6 1. (1-8) The narrator wakes up to find himself in the woods. He doesn’t know how or why he ended up there. 2. (8-16) We know the name of the narrator is Phil. He has realized that he’s lost his memory, but some girl is claiming to be his wife. 3. (16-24) The girl is following Phil everywhere, but he doesn’t trust her yet.

7  This is a list of higher level vocabulary words found throughout the novel.  For every 10 pages of reading, find one higher level vocabulary word.  Once you’ve hit 20 words, you may stop.  Number your entries and cite the page number where the word is found.  Only need one definition per word.

8 Last name, first name My name Class, hour Date Component #4- Nonfiction Author. Book Title. City Where Published: published by (Company Name). Year published. 1.(6) ignominy- deep humiliation; disgrace 2. (11) panoply- impressive array 3. (22) feign- to pretend 4. (34) Indefatigable- untiring

9  Choose four characters to explain in your analysis.  I will give character sheets to help you note the character’s beliefs, behaviors, motivations, etc.  The end product will be a long paragraph for each of the four chosen characters including two quotations for each character.

10  Describe each character in terms of:  physical characteristics (if relevant)  personality  motivation  his/her role or connection to the plot

11  Write the description of each character in a well-constructed paragraph that includes two parenthetical citations.  Document where the information was found in the book. Use only parentheses and the page number in the citation at the end of the sentence. There is no need to write pg. or p. EXAMPLE: (36) NOT (pg. 36) or (p. 36)

12 Jane Eyre is the protagonist and narrator of the novel. Abandoned and alienated since childhood, Jane feels a need for security, community and a place to call home (12). Jane waits until she feels independent and is financially secure to return and marry Edward Rochester (140). She is inherently possessed with a sense of dignity and fairness fueled by her passionate personality.

13  Component #5 is a five paragraph essay over the main point of your novel (component #2)  You will be given handouts to help you decide how you would like to organize your essay, as there are a couple different options.  A rough draft and a final copy in MLA format will be required.

14  under the FYI student page are IRP component explanations.  Found in your agenda.  The class website (Fusion page)  The handouts you will be given.

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