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Utah Salt Lake City Area Temple and Family History Assisting Ward Members in Temple and Family History Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Utah Salt Lake City Area Temple and Family History Assisting Ward Members in Temple and Family History Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utah Salt Lake City Area Temple and Family History Assisting Ward Members in Temple and Family History Work

2 “The work of seeking out our dead and insuring that the ordinances of exaltation are performed in their behalf is a mandate from our Heavenly Father and his Beloved Son. They do not leave us to struggle alone but rather, in ways which are sometimes dramatic, prepare the way and answer our prayers” President Thomas S. Monson Ensign, Mar. 1995, p. 58

3 "We want them to have a spiritual experience, not a technological experience." Elder D. Todd Christopherson

4 What is new FamilySearch? What is new FamilySearch and What can it do for me? The entire world is working on the same common pedigree/family tree--online--adding information, correcting and perfecting the record. Works with relationships instead of just dates and places. Information is already there. Collaborate with others for more accurate records. The Church safeguards your records (so they won’t end up at a garage sale!)

5 Current Status –J–June 2007 started roll-out in St. Louis Since then: –8–8 updates 9 th update coming - Nov. –A–All temple districts Except Wasatch Front Japan, China, Korea 500,000+ registered users – may double by the end of the year. BUT….the system is not feature-complete

6 Overview: The Audience Continuum The “ordinary” member The “enthusiast”

7 Overview: The Audience Continuum The “ordinary” member The “enthusiast” Technology

8 Each life event is recorded as if it stands alone Birth Certificate Name Gender Birthdate Location Name Gender Date Other Certificate Name Spouse Date Location Marriage Certificate Name Gender Date Death Certificate Other Records Journals & Other Records Overview: The Reality of Records This can actually increase duplication

9 Overview: Personal Folders in a Pedigree Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Jim Phyllis Gordon Georgia Charles Raymond Alice

10 Family History Consultants – The “angels” of the Work One of the “dramatic” ways the Lord answers the prayers of those doing family history is by having trained and willing family history consultants assist members in their work: Help members identify ancestors, both beginning or continuing their family history, and ensure temple ordinances are performed Where possible, meet with members in their homes Meet with new members to explain the doctrines of redemption of the dead. They help new members identify deceased ancestors and go to the temple to receive baptisms and confirmations for them Help members who do not have access to computers or are uncomfortable using computers prepare and submit family information for temple ordinances When assigned they teach the family history classes

11 “Through the lens of spirituality, we see all the commandments of God as invitations to blessings.” Elder Dallin H. Oaks Ensign, November 1985

12 “No work is more of a protection to this Church than temple work and the genealogical research which supports it. No work is more spiritually refining. No work we do gives us more power. No work requires a higher standard of righteousness. Our labors in the temple cover us with a shield and a protection, both individually and as a people.” Elder Boyd K. Packer Book: The Holy Temple, p. 265

13 “ I promise you that all who faithfully attend to temple work will be blessed beyond measure. “Your families will draw closer to the Lord, unseen angels will watch over your loved ones when Satanic forces tempt them, the veil will be thin and great spiritual experiences will distill upon this people.” Vaughn J. Featherstone - Mount Vernon Washington Stake Conference Quoted in "Temples in the Last Days" by Royden G. Derrick, p. 103

14 “new” FamilySearch Resources Help Center in new FamilySearch Consultants are the first level of support.

15 Family History Consultant & Priesthood Leader Registration Resources World Wide Support Number 1-866-406-1830 (April 6, 1830)

16 Helps: – (Serving in the Church – Family History) new - A Family History Consultant’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work - available online. Not available in print. new - Instructors Guide and DVD available for download online. Also available for $5.50 at the Distribution center. A Member’s Guide – free from the Distribution Center. Family History Consultants

17 Helps: Courses: Do systems check first. Family History Consultants (cont.)

18 FamilySearch Internet Resources Personal Ancestral File 5.2 FamilySearch Indexing FamilySearch Labs – New Ideas Record Search Pilot - NEW Research Wiki - NEW other “records manager” programs

19 “Under the direction of the bishopric, the high priests group leader is the priesthood leader with direct responsibility for coordinating temple and family history work in the ward”* He supervises the family history consultants in the ward and helps them fulfill their responsibilities as outlined Ensures that enough family history consultants are called to meet the needs of the ward and the requested assignment to support a family history center in the stake This is done by working with the high council adviser and FHC director, as well as the Bishopric when suggesting them. Reports on temple and family history work in Priesthood Executive Committee and Ward Council meetings Jointly, he and the councils work to identify those in the ward that family history consultants could work with individually *Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2, Section 9 -2006, p. 265. High Priests Group Leader

20 Elders Quorum Presidency Oversees Temple and Family History work in the quorum Coordinates Temple and Family History work with High Priest Group Leader Determines who in the quorum’s families desire help in family history with the PEC Coordinate temple activities & assignments, planned ward trips, etc. Share experiences – FamilySearch Indexing, research successes, temple experiences, etc. Coordinate attendance to Family History training opportunities, etc. Sets an example by doing.

21 Helps: Courses: Section 9, General Handbook of Instructions, 2006, Temple and Family History Work and Administrative Guide for Family History Priesthood Leaders

22 Ward Councils and Priesthood Executive Committees Ward Councils and Priesthood Executive Committees are now charged with working with the High Priests Group Leader to identify individuals and families in the ward the Family History Consultants could work with individually* This recommendation is given to the High Priests Group Leader and he makes assignments to the family history consultants and reports progress and completion back to these councils They should discuss how temple and family history work can be used to attract investigators, retain converts, and activate the less active *Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2, Section 9 -2006, p. 265.

23 Coordinate efforts with Primary, YW, YM, & Scouting. They all involve Temple and Family History Work in their requirements. Invite leaders of these groups to report in Ward Council Meeting on the Family History aspects of their callings.

24 High Council Adviser Becomes knowledgeable about temple and family history work Receives counsel and direction by the Stake Presidency Assists in instructing other leaders and members Reports on work in the stake Oversees the Stake Extraction Director and the Family History Center Director Coordinates with the bishops and high priests group leaders the assignment to provide family history consultants to staff the family history center Instructs elders quorum and high priests group leaders in their temple and family history responsibilities Ensures that the stake, wards and quorums are organized to do temple and family history work Sets an example in doing temple and family history work

25 T What Will “new” FamilySearch Do for Members? For those who will do temple work, it will provide a simple, easy way to prepare names for the temple, in their own home Temple 5. Perform temple ordinances, updated the same day. 1. Add ancestor information into Select individuals to do temple work for. 3. Print Family Ordinance Request and take to Temple. 4. Temple recorder prints cards while you wait. HomeFamily History Centeror 5 Steps

26 Family Ordinance Request (FOR)

27 “It matters not what else we have been called to do, or what position we may occupy, or how faithfully in other ways we have labored in the Church, none are exempt from this great obligation… It is required of the apostle as well as of the humblest elder… Some may feel that if they pay their tithing, attend their regular meetings and other duties, give of their substance to feed the poor, perchance spend one or two or more years preaching in the world, that they are absolved from further duty. But the greatest and grandest duty of all is to labor for the dead. We may and should do all these other things, for which reward will be given, but if we neglect the weightier privilege and commandment, notwithstanding all other good works, we shall find ourselves under severe condemnation.” (Joseph Fielding Smith - Seeking After Our Dead, Genealogical Society of Utah, 1928, p. 35- 36)

28 Temple & Family History Training @2009 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. 7 Jan 2009 Utah South Area Family History Training Center - Provo Next Steps If you’re not registered, do so – both Family History Consultants and Priesthood Leaders. Go to Read and understand your calling FH Consultants, get and study the FH Consultants Guide Priesthood Leaders, get and study Section 9, Book 2 of the General Handbook of Instructions Both, get and study the Instructor’s Guide and the Members Guide Get trained Register and go online on Go through the Overview as you log on Go to the Help Center and go through the classes under Training and Resources for new FamilySearch (6 lessons) Spend time to use and understand new Share with members Soon all stakes in the 4 Temple Districts in our Utah Salt Lake City Area will have access to new FamilySearch Get the word out Make yourselves available to introduce and train members on how to use new FamilySearch

29 Next Steps 1. Make it simple 2. Tell them what they need to know when they need to know it. 3. Plan basic classes 4. Be proactive

30 “Get the water to the end of the row!” Our Part: We will send out a monthly newsletter on the 1 st of each month to keep you up-to-date. Your Part: We need a committed person in each stake who will take the responsibility of setting up a group email for all consultants and high priest group leaders and forward on our newsletter (blind carbon copy).

31 19 – 21 yrs 65+ 22 – 65 yrs Proclaim the Gospel Perfect the Saints Redeem the Dead Three-fold Mission of the Church

32 Sanctification / Conversion / Spiritual Power Three-fold Mission of the Church

33 Perfecting the Saints A Church study found that members who participate in temple and family history work were:  3 times more likely to attend Church.  2 times as likely to hold daily personal prayer.  3 times as likely to hold daily family prayer.  4 times as likely to have daily personal scripture study.  5 times as likely to hold daily family scripture study.  4 times as likely to hold weekly family home evening.

34 “If temple ordinances are an essential part of the restored gospel, and I testify that they are, then we must provide the means by which they can be accomplished. All of our vast family history endeavor is directed to temple work. There is no other purpose for it. The temple ordinances become the crowning blessings the Church has to offer.” President Gordon B. Hinckley Ensign, May 1998, p. 88


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