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Mr. Binet. It is a way of living shared by people around the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Binet. It is a way of living shared by people around the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Binet

2 It is a way of living shared by people around the world.

3 1. Why people move from one place to another. 2. When people move they take their culture with them. 3. Explore the role of mass media and the internet.

4 When people move to live somewhere else.

5 Is something that motivates people to leave their homes.

6 Is something that draws people to another place.


8 Jobs? Free healthcare? Equality? Education? Lifestyle?

9 Numerical information, data.

10 Immigrated: Moving to another country. “They immigrated here to Moncton from France” Emigrating: Leaving to another country. “I emigrated from Canada to Germany”. Internal migration: Moving within your own country or region. I moved from Moncton, NB to Halifax, NS.

11 It is called “Rural-Urban Migration” May move for a job or education.

12 Every five year, StatsCan does a “Census”. Census is a polling of every single household in Canada to find out our population, and other important information.

13 Forced migration is when someone is forced t leave their home. May be due to conflicts, wars or natural disasters.

14 A refugee are people who have left their homes to avoid dangers or other life- threatening issues.

15 The printing press according to a survey was the most important invention in the past 1000 years because it allowed information to be published on a mass scale.

16 Mass media are things like television, radio, newspaper and the internet. They spread ideas and information around the globe. Innovation is new ideas, products and technologies.

17 It means too much information for people to comprehend and understand. Doing a search in Google for a historical date gives you 100,000 hits – an overload.



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