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Michelle Costello -Time Keeper- Mirnalis Dinero -Recorder- Anthony Almanzar -Facilitator- Each team member is in charge of a certain task. We collaborate.

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Presentation on theme: "Michelle Costello -Time Keeper- Mirnalis Dinero -Recorder- Anthony Almanzar -Facilitator- Each team member is in charge of a certain task. We collaborate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Michelle Costello -Time Keeper- Mirnalis Dinero -Recorder- Anthony Almanzar -Facilitator- Each team member is in charge of a certain task. We collaborate with one another to see how everything’s pulling together once we meet. We discuss things that can be done to make each of our sections better with supportive feedback.

3 Most people’s goals are to make their designs “different” and “cool” to the creator. Now although we designed something that we feel is attractive and eye catching, that is not our first priority. OUR R ULES

4 MAJES Susan Santos Our customer… The main need of our project is to assist Susan with her wants of making a website and to spread her words to the public about her local church. We are looking to help Susan with the growth of her church and community programs. Although this is all non-profit, we enjoy helping her, while taking a step forward with what she loves being involved in.

5 We have finished our pages for the website. We first had to finish our template in order to go on with the rest of the pages. We were then able to add in the information we had for our pages along with the template. We can now go back in and make changes and corrections to all of our pages because the template is final.

6 Measuring success can be viewed in many different ways. We know that our project was finalized with success because we followed all of own rules involving creativity and satisfaction. Everything is complete, while being approved and admired by our customer, Susan Santos.

7 Lots of.. We have saved Susan Santos hundreds and thousands of dollars! We have saved Susan Santos hundreds and thousands of dollars! Most websites can run any where from $200- $10,000! Most websites can run any where from $200- $10,000! Most companies charge depending on what type of effects are being used, along with the number of pages and amount of labor being put into the project.Most companies charge depending on what type of effects are being used, along with the number of pages and amount of labor being put into the project.

8 We have learned a lot while being involved in this project. We have even dealt with programs such as Dreamweaver and Photoshop. W e h a v e s u c c e s s f u l l y d e s i g n e d a w e b s i t e b y i n c l u d i n g …

9 Our main target is to get everyone who’s a part of the church to be more aware of the events and organizations that take place. Since the main viewers of this webpage will be members of the church, it is important to design the web pages according to their liking. We also made it simple, yet appealing so it’s not completely informational and boring to look at.

10 -Computer Knowledge! -Creativity! -Explorer through research!



13 This has all been made possible by the hard work each of our team mates have put into this project. It has also obviously helped to be a part of Mr. T’s YTE class- allowing us to learn and grow more within technology and as leaders. We hope you have enjoyed our presentation and are able to see all of the hard work devoted to making this. It’s always great to help out those for non-profit who are looking to increase others’ lives as well. Thank You, Michelle Costello, Mirnalis Dinero & Anthony Almanzar

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