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Presentation on theme: " GGF-12 APME Area Meeting APME GGF-12 Area Meeting Applications, Programming Models and Environments Area Co-Directors Satoshi Matsuoka."— Presentation transcript:

1 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting APME GGF-12 Area Meeting Applications, Programming Models and Environments Area Co-Directors Satoshi Matsuoka Tokyo Institute of Technology, Craig Lee The Aerospace Corporation,

2 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Agenda Area Overview Group, BoF, & Workshop Reports APME and GGF-wide Issues  New Chair  NOMCOM  Reorganization (still on the table)  Policy Issues under Consideration

3 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting APME Activities at GGF-12 RGs and WGs meeting at GGF-12  GridRPC WG  GridCPR WG (2x)  Apps and Testbed RG  Life Sciences Grid RG (3x)  Grid User Services BoFs  BoF on Reliability and Robustness in Grids, Chris Dabrowski, NIST Workshops  Grid APIs Workshop, Apps-RG, DRMAA-WG, GridRPC-WG, SAGA-RG Groups sponsoring workshops but not meeting separately  Workshop on Operational Security for the Grid, Security Area, PE-RG Groups not meeting or running a workshop at GGF-12  GCE, PNPA  Production Grid Management RG  Simple API for Grid Apps RG (3x)  Astro-RG  Advanced Collab Envs RG  User Prgm Devel Tools RG

4 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Group Reports

5 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Astro Working Group Officers: Nic Walton (Astrogrid, Cambridge) Guy Rixon (Astrogrid, Cambridge) Secretary: Reagan Moore (SDSC) Goals  Capture requirements from IVOA community and map to GGF services Significant Accomplishments at this GGF  Held 1 session, 20 participants  IVOA coordination meeting at Pune, India Sept. 27-30, 2004 Plans  Proposing a workshop to analyze how GGF services can be used to implement a selected IVOA service. The challenges are:  Minimize the number of GGF services that are invoked  Verify that the resulting state information is correctly updated  Verify that the implementation scales in size of files and number of files Concerns/Issues  Need working GGF services. Where are implementations found?

6 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Production Grid Management (PGM-RG) Officers: Laura McGinnis (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center) Goals  Identify expectations for group in relation to charter  Build momentum for participation & future activities Significant Accomplishments at this GGF  One session, ~15 participants, European, US academic grid sites  Brainstormed  issues to be addressed in the RG  Effective communication methods within and outside the group Plans  Review milestones to ensure they are appropriate  Continue discussions on mailing list and at SC04 in Pittsburgh in November  Plan for discussion session with Asian/Pacific groups at GGF13  Develop relevant workshop for GGF14 or GGF15 Concerns/Issues  We are considering merging with the Grid User Services RG, since there is considerable overlap in our interests. This will be discussed among the chairs of both groups and on both mailing lists.

7 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting UPDT-RG Officers: Susanne Balle (HP) and Robert Hood (CSC-NASA Ames) Goals Significant Accomplishments at this GGF  1 session, 23 participants  Summary of the User Survey Report  Started discussing new goals, etc. for the RG  The group agreed that we should stay as a separate GGF group as we re- charter and set new goals.  Discussed workshop proposal for GGF14 Plans  Continue work on the “know problem” survey  Continue to find ideas for the re-chartering of the RG Concerns/Issues

8 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting GridRPC-WG Officers:  Craig Lee, Aerospace Corp.  Hidemoto Nakada, AIST  Keith Seymour, UTK Goals  A GridRPC Model and API for End-User Applications  A GridRPC Model and API for Middleware Developers Significant Accomplishments at GGF-12  Tentative decision for use of vector for middleware arguments  Nakada to produce draft function signatures  Discussion of competing data handles approach  Binding vs. Persistence modes (explicit vs. implicit binding)  Copy Op vs. Transfer Mode call or Location Argument for bind (explicit vs. implicit copy)  Lifetime of persistent data  DIET group to draft example API for persistent data that address lifetime Plans for next GGF  Weigh competing APIs wrt persistent data/workflow management  Telecons to resolve these issues  Short list of introspection capabilities Concerns/Issues  More implementation experience always better  Yoshio Tanaka, AIST  Frédéric Desprez, ENS/Lyon

9 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Applications and Testbeds (APPS-RG) Officers: Tom Hinke (NASA), Thilo Kielmann (Vrije Universiteit), Simon Cox (Southampton), Ed Seidel (LSU) - “emeritus” Goals Identifying gaps between user needs and Grid system capabilities Significant Accomplishments at this GGF  Workshop on Grid Application Programming Interfaces (with DRMAA-RG, GridRPC-WG, SAGA-RG)  1 session: charter, planning activities, “water cooler” discussion Plans  Get a new charter (after 2 years trying so)  Publish proceedings of our workshops (after 1.5 years trying so)  Have a workshop on The Usable Grid in Seoul Concerns/Issues We need an output channel to inform other GGF groups about users' requirements.

10 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Grid Checkpoint Recovery (GridCPR-WG) Officers: Co-Chairs Derek Simmel, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Paul Stodghill, Cornell University (Emeritus) Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Goals  Develop Specifications for GridCPR APIs and associated Services Significant Accomplishments at GGF-12  Continued discussion on documents under way: Use Cases, Architecture  Designated primary author/editor for GridCPR API Specification document Plans  GridCPR-WG working meeting scheduled with SC04 in Pittsburgh PA  Submit Uses Cases and Architecture documents to GGF Editor  Generate initial draft of GridCPR API Specification document Concerns/Issues  Security in GridCPR workflow

11 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Life Sciences Grid – Research Group (LSG-RG) Officers: Dave Angulo, DePaul University; Abbas Farazdel, IBM Healthcare and Life Sciences Goals  Explore issues related to the integration of Information Technology with the Life Sciences on a grid infrastructure.  Identifying different solution areas and classifying them  Exploring possible reference architectures for each solution area  Identify clear examples and the diverse use of the grid within healthcare and life sciences  Discuss issues of access to data within healthcare and life sciences  Discuss state of standards, within subdisciplines and between subdisciplines.  Identify how the grid is being challenged by healthcare and life sciences, and where there is need for activity

12 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Life Sciences Grid – Research Group (LSG-RG) Significant Accomplishments at this GGF  11 Presentations  Several update reports on projects  GGF 12 Theme – Healthcare Grids  Started new subcommittee in Health Grids with two leaders:  Jonathan Silverstein, University of Chicago Hospital  Vincent Breton, PCSV Group  Number of participants: This information is not shared with the Chairs by GGF administration  Number of Organizations Represented: This information is not shared with the Chairs by GGF administration

13 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Life Sciences Grid – Research Group (LSG-RG) Work in Progress  Looking at Life Sciences Applications and Healthcare Applications  Brussels workshop Oct 2004  Chicago workshop Oct 2003  Seattle workshop June 2003  Tokyo workshop Jan 2003  Brussels themed meeting Oct 2004  Mapping applications to current and new GGF activity  Creating best practices document (Moore, Bala)  Continuing with development of a Life Science Grid platform (Stevens)  Open Life Science Grid platform, or SEED  Creating requirements for biomedical applications on Grids (Breton)  Rewriting charter (Angulo)  Determine medium term objectives for the research group (Angulo, Farazdel, and LSG Advisory Council team)

14 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Life Sciences Grid – Research Group (LSG-RG) Plans  Continue the Work in Progress items listed above Concerns/Issues  None

15 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting SAGA-RG Officers: Tom Goodale (LSU), Keith Jackson (LBL), Stephen Pickles (UoM) Goals  The group will lower the barrier for scientific application developers to make use of the grid by providing a small, consistent API for operations of interest to the applications community. Significant Accomplishments at this GGF  (not an accomplishment) Stephen stepped down as co-chair  Three successful sessions.  Talks from various groups and round-table discussion  Discussion of submitted use cases and planned to get more  Decided to form a design team to put out straw-man API Plans  Face to face meeting at SC2004 in November.  Develop a first draft of the use case and requirements documents for discussion at GGF13.  Investigate appointing a replacement co-chair Concerns/Issues  Keeping it simple!

16 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting End of Group Reports

17 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting APME AD Report Card (since GGF-11) Papers reviewed: 6 Papers moved to/through public comment: 2 BoFs Approved: 1 Groups Approved: 1.5 (HASS-RG probable) Recharters Approved: 0 (attempted: 0)  Apps-RG, GridRPC-WG, others? … GGF Chairs selected: 1 NOMCOM recommendations approved: 8 Policy Issues Promoted: ~2

18 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting APME and GGF-wide Issues GGF Chair selection occupied significant time  Questions about Linesch? NOMCOM recommendations also occupied significant time Policy Issues under consideration  RGs decided by GFSG subcommittee?  GROC folded into GFSG subcommittee? Reorganization? Still on the Table  Everything under consideration -- Nothing definite  Input solicited from everyone  Draft Reorg Goals  Prioritize Clear Topic Areas Provide topic orientation to the community Provide a structure for interactions among related groups Convey a comprehensive technology/solution orientation externally  Allow the number of ADs per Area to scale according to WG/RG load Draft At-Large ADs to support additional WG assignments

19 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Area Roadmap (still on the table) Where are we going as an area? What are the technical goals? What are the strategic goals?  What will we have in hand in one year?  What will be possible in three years, five years? What are the steps and dependencies for achieving those goals? APME Gap Analysis  What should APME be doing that we’re not?  Relevant docs:  Data Area Gap Analysis  Roadmap Document Specifics  Structure, content, schedule, authors???

20 GGF-12 APME Area Meeting Workshops at GGF 13 Supported by APME Groups? Workshop Proposals?  Users-Developers-Admins, three-way, dirty laundry smack-down? Apps-RG Area Outbrief in plenary session?  Selected topics  Thilo’s suggestion Are Area Outbriefs useful?  YES Should the Area Meeting be in the middle of GGF  Rather than at the end?  Probably stay at the end

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