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Fact of the Day What type of cancer is the most common type?

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1 Fact of the Day What type of cancer is the most common type?

2 SKIN CANCER Most common type of cancer for BOTH males and females for BOTH males and females 1 in 5 Americans and 1 in 3 Caucasians will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime. More than 90 percent of all skin cancers are caused by sun exposure. A person's risk for skin cancer doubles if he or she has had five or more sunburns


4 What is Cancer? A disease in which abnormal cells multiply out of control, spread into surrounding tissues and other body parts, and disrupt normal functioning of 1 or more organs

5 Tumors …an abnormal mass of tissue that has no natural role in the body 2 TYPES: 1)Benign: a tumor that is not cancerous and does not spread to other parts of the body 2)Malignant: a tumor that is cancerous and may spread to other parts of the body

6 Metastasis The spread of cancer Cancer cells can break away from a malignant tumor and enter the bloodstream and form new tumors in other parts of the body

7 Warning Signs of Cancer C hange in bowel or bladder habits A sore that does not heal U nusual bleeding or discharge T hickening or lump that suddenly occurs anywhere in the body I ndigestion or difficulty swallowing O bvious change in a wart or mole N agging cough or hoarseness S udden weight loss

8 Ways to Reduce Risk of Cancer Be active Eat plenty of fiber (whole wheat, fruit, vegetables, beans) Avoid tobacco and alcohol Avoid excessive sun exposure Avoid chemicals Avoid STD’s Know family health history

9 Cancer Ribbons Using your paper ribbon – creatively design your ribbon with the following information (10 points – 7 for content and 3 for creativity) 1.On the top curve of the ribbon: list a friend or family member you know who lost their battle with cancer (in memory of) or who is a cancer survivor, in remission, or is currently in a battle with cancer (in celebration of). 2.On the left tail: write some motivational words of encouragement to someone who has cancer, or a short paragraph about that person and how they effected your life. 3.On the right tail: write inspirational words or a slogan you could use for cancer awareness. (Lance Armstrong used the idea of ‘live strong’ as a motivator to battle cancer)

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