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Dr. Ann Voorhies Psyc 209: Fundamentals of Psychological Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Ann Voorhies Psyc 209: Fundamentals of Psychological Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Ann Voorhies Psyc 209: Fundamentals of Psychological Research

2 Course goals To learn how scientific research is done in the field of psychology To understand why it is important to approach psychological questions from a scientific perspective To refine and practice critical thinking skills To learn how to find, read, and understand scientific reports To carry out a psychological study, analyze your findings, and report them to others To develop a sense of community through shared experience, efforts, and communication

3 Basic course policies Meeting time and place Attendance Class etiquette Required reading Course website

4 Course grading Written assignments Availability Due date/late policy Plagiarism Tests Participation

5 Course structure: Scientific method Generate a theory State a hypothesis Test hypothesis Analyze, conclude Report findings

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