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>. Definitions Policy Review Consequences for Policy Violations Compliance Committees Judicial Review Board Alternatives and discussion Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: ">. Definitions Policy Review Consequences for Policy Violations Compliance Committees Judicial Review Board Alternatives and discussion Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 >

2 Definitions Policy Review Consequences for Policy Violations Compliance Committees Judicial Review Board Alternatives and discussion Agenda

3 Fraternity policies to help minimize risk What is Risk Management? Alcohol and Drugs Fire and Health Safety Hazing Publication Sexual Harassment

4 Responsibility of Membership Each Term Review the policies in the Board of Directors’ Statement of Policy Brothers should sign a statement of understanding Each Year Review Chapter bylaws

5 Be aware of all federal, state, and university policies Create a program or event to educate your membership Create a compliance committee Opportunities to Mitigate Risk

6 All members of Alpha Kappa Psi must follow all applicable liquor laws of the state and other jurisdictions including college and university policies when participating in a fraternity event. What is the Alcohol and Drug Policy?

7 No chapter may co-sponsor an event with a brewery, vineyard, distillery, alcohol distributor or tavern at which alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of a tavern as defined above for purposes of fundraising. This also includes earning funds from the sale of alcohol, wristbands, cups, etc. What is the policy update? Tavern defined as an establishment generating more than 50% of its annual gross sales from alcohol

8 Chapters can not charge a cover fee or sell cups, wristbands, etc. Chapters can not fundraise through a portion of drink sales Alcohol can not be part of any fundraising effort What does it mean?

9 How does it affect my chapter? Fundraising at restaurants through a portion of food sales is ok, just not alcohol sales If holding an event at a bar, it must be a closed event with a pre-determined guest list Restaurant fundraisers with places such as Buffalo Wild Wings and Chili's are still acceptable

10 No-host, cash bar with a professional bartender, fully covered with liability insurance (Preferred Option) Chapters cannot co-sponsor or co-fund a function where alcohol is purchased by a host organization BYOB with limited quantity for members of legal drinking age, Alcohol can not be purchased by the chapter, pledge class or with fraternity funds Acceptable Options

11 When Alcohol is Present...… No member or pledge can purchase or sell to anyone underage. Precautions to prevent excessive consumption and underage drinking. Anyone arriving intoxicated should not be admitted. Designated non-drinking members should be present Non-alcoholic beverages should be provided. Alcohol service should be cut off at a pre-determined time. Drinking games are not allowed. Common source containers are prohibited.

12 All locations used for fraternity operations must meet ALL local fire and health codes and standards What is the Fire and Health Policy?

13 Before making location arrangements: Have an estimated attendance Understand the nature of the event Preventative Procedures

14 Any action taken or situation created, whether intentional or unintentional, to produce physical or mental discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule that could possibly cause physical harm or injury What is Hazing?

15 Paddling Blindfolds Pre-initiation activities Verbal abuse Road trips Use of alcohol Late work sessions Consumption of food/beverages Physical or psychological shocks Creation of excessive fatigue Public stunts of buffoonery Kidnapping of pledges or members Morally degrading or humiliating games Activities not outlined in the Pledge Education Program Paddling Blindfolds Pre-initiation activities Verbal abuse Road trips Use of alcohol Late work sessions Consumption of food/beverages Physical or psychological shocks Creation of excessive fatigue Public stunts of buffoonery Kidnapping of pledges or members Morally degrading or humiliating games Activities not outlined in the Pledge Education Program Examples of Hazing

16 Hold frequent educational meetings Hold everyone accountable Consider every point of view Review events prior to the day How to Prevent Hazing

17 Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity prohibits its members from producing, publishing, and/or distributing any material, whether written or electronically as text, audio, video, or some combination of all three that could be deemed harmful to the good name and reputation of the fraternity. What is the Publication of Inappropriate Materials Policy?

18 Preventative Procedures Personal social media accounts and websites are not exempt

19 Heritage Center staff will assess all complaints A warning will be issued to remove, delete or destroy the content Future violations could result in disciplinary action Removal of Content

20 Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other sexually offensive verbal or physical conduct will not be condoned or permitted. What is the Sexual Harassment Policy?

21 How to Prevent Sexual Harassment Assess the environment around you Be aware of your actions Don’t let a situation escalate If you feel uncomfortable, remove yourself Tell someone

22 All charges should be made in writing to the CEO To the extent possible, the written statement will be confidential The fact that a claim has been made will NOT be held in confidence An investigating committee will be formed to review Reporting Violations *Risk management must go to judiciary committee

23 Any chapter found to be in violation of the Board of Directors’ Statement of Policy related to risk management: Officer(s) removed from office Probationary period Chapter Action Plan Publication in The Diary Financial penalties Reimburse fraternity for investigative expenses Increased insurance premiums Suspension or expulsion of offenders Chapter’s charter revoked Consequences

24 A committee to review activities and assess risk Duties and selection outlined in chapter bylaws Meet regularly as any other committee What is a Compliance Committee?

25 Review calendars and pledge program Assist in planning events Secondary review before events Post-event review How to use a Compliance Committee

26 Addressing Risk and Violations Report potential violations Act as representatives in judiciary committee investigations Advise the chapter of the risk Advise the chapter of the risk

27 1.A committee to investigate disciplinary problems 2.Chapter bylaws outline rules and selection 3.Appoint a mix of individuals to reflect demographics 4.If needed, it can be the executive board What is a Judicial Review Board?

28 When to use a Judicial Review Board To investigate possible disciplinary action Should be the exception, not the rule If used frequently, reassess chapter health

29 Submit charges in writing to the review board Contact accused Investigate for evidence Judicial review board vote Chapter ratification Consult the judiciary committee if needed Chapter Investigation Process *Risk management must go to Judiciary Committee

30 Foster unity Develop problem solving Work under pressure Develop leadership skills Instill a sense of pride for membership Time management Increase confidence Alternatives and Discussion

31 Alpha Kappa Psi Website: Chapter Educational Resource Coordinator: Email: Resources

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