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Societal Advisory Board: Report to the General Assembly Richard Pieper, THL, SOAB Secretariat 11 June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Societal Advisory Board: Report to the General Assembly Richard Pieper, THL, SOAB Secretariat 11 June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Societal Advisory Board: Report to the General Assembly Richard Pieper, THL, SOAB Secretariat 11 June 2015

2 Meeting on 3rd June, Brussels Recommendations to the GA on the Research topics Report on the Vienna symposium from SOAB representatives –Issue important and complex and should be further discussed  Recommendation to GA on procedures: initiatives should be reported on with input to and from the SAB and the SOAB. The report should include what are the outcomes and the consequences to the JPI Work Programme. Discussion started on new structure of participation in the SOAB. Agreement on developing a SOAB work plan including the role of SOAB in JPI MYBL’s public engagement activities and societal action plan.

3 JPI MYBL Stakeholder event on 2nd June Importance of public engagement in ERA policy High Level Group for Joint Programming GPC, ERA Learn 2020 and Science with and for Society Programme, DG Connect (Horst Krämer) Public Engagement Innovations for H2020 project. Stakeholder involvement in JPIs: models and first experiences 9 JPIs (MYBL, Oceans, Water, Urban Europe, Antimicrobial Resistance, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Agriculture, food security and climate change FACCE, Climate, Ambient Assisted Living) Lively discussion

4 JPI MYBL Stakeholder event on 2nd June Next steps: ERA Learn 2020 to assist organising the next steps Meeting / event (panel discussion) to be organised during the ERA Learn 2020 conference on 24&25 November Topics to be addressed: Assessing the effectiveness of stakeholder involvement Better involvement in the implementation of the stakeholders in certain actions Short report on the Stakeholder Event provided by WP4 –Interest in mapping core elements such as selection / nomination of stakeholders, their role, involvement, etc.

5 28/05/10 Mira Koivusilta | Nordic Congress on Gerontology | Reykjavik | May 2010 5 TÄHÄN KUVA Thank you!

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