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1 SCHOOL FUNDING 2011-12 Schools Forum 18 January 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SCHOOL FUNDING 2011-12 Schools Forum 18 January 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SCHOOL FUNDING 2011-12 Schools Forum 18 January 2011

2 2 -Proposed national changes -Background -Mainstreaming -Further delegation -Pressures and opportunities -Academies

3 3 National Changes  Mainstreaming: £49m  MFG (-1.5%) and GUFs  £4,787 per pupil  Falling pupil numbers, except EY  Missing grant for Early Years: £4m;  £2.2m pressure after additional funding  No inflation

4 4 Pupil Premium  On top of DSG  £430 FSM, (Entitled to Free School Meals)  £200 Service Pupils  £430 LAC (Looked after pupils)  Not part of MFG  But will differ school by school

5 5 Capital  Simplified  Maintenance (£16.2m) and Basic Need (£3.3m)  Devolved Formula Capital reduced  However, does this create an opportunity within  DSG in respect of contribution from LA?

6 6 LA Settlement  Much worse than predicted  Frontloading and presentation  Academies top-slice  Ending of grants  Concessionary fares  Some information still missing

7 7 Agreed areas for development Continued simplification of the factors used in the formula The implications of mainstreaming the increased early years entitlement Amendments to the Early Years Formula in light of the Revised Code of Practise for Early Years High Need Low Number Special Educational Funding Special School Funding Formula Bank Accounts for Schools 14 – 19 Funding Revised Dedicated Schools Grant and other Grants implications

8 8 Background  Transitional Funding  Inclusion

9 9 Mainstreaming 2010-11 Allocations Details of GrantAllocated to schools Retained by LATotal £k SSG16,2940 SSG Personalisation3,1580 SDG Main11,6370 SDG Deprivation/Post LIG4720 SDG Specialist Schools6,0970 SDG AST’s8850 SDG G & T590 SDG other830 Extended Schools Sustainability1,2731,1322,405 Extended Schools Subsidy1573 0 1,573 School Lunch Grant283580863 EMAG0135 One to One Tuition2,4761922,668 National Strategies2,5112352,746 Diplomas2770 Grants retained 0 0 0 TOTAL47,0782,27449,352

10 10 2011-12 Proposals Details of GrantAllocated to schools Retained by LATotal £k SSG16,2940 SSG Personalisation3,1580 SDG Main11,655011,637 SDG Deprivation/Post LIG4720 SDG Specialist Schools6,06206,097 SDG AST’s0885 SDG G & T590 SDG other 0 083 Extended Schools Sustainability1,2731,1322,405 Extended Schools Subsidy1573 0 1,573 School Lunch Grant283580863 EMAG0135 One to One Tuition2,4761922,668 National Strategies2,5112352,746 Diplomas2770 Grants retained 100 TOTAL46,0933,25949,352

11 11 Mainstreaming  Principles  Avoid short-term turbulence  But longer term?

12 12 Mainstreaming Grants  SSG: £16,294k  SSG(P): £3,159k  SDG Main: £11,637k  SDG Specialist Schools: £6,097k  SDG Deprivation: £472k  SDG ASTs: £885k  SDG G&T: £59k

13 13 Mainstreaming Grants  School Lunch Grant: £863k  EMG: £136k  1-2-1: £2,668k  Extended Schools: £3,978k  Diploma Support £277k

14 14 MFG  Possible Exceptions  ASTs (£885k)  National Strategies (£750k)  Extended Schools?

15 15 Further Delegation  PFI: £164k  Copyright/PRS: £360k  14-19: £1,997k  Schools in Challenging Circumstances  Federation  SEN?

16 16 Pressures and Opportunities  Maximising DSG: making best use of the funds  Future School Organisation  Capital Maintenance  Outdoor Education  Post 16  MTFS Savings  Next steps

17 17 Academy Funding  Reminder of how it works  Changes announced in December  Impact on LA  Impact on schools

18 18 Summary  Transitional year?  Future consultations on National Funding  Ensuring schools have robust information as soon as possible  Ongoing work: for 2011-12 and beyond  Views on proposed consultations: mainstreaming and further delegation

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