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Update on Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 28 October 2010Report TSP/33/10.

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1 Update on Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 28 October 2010Report TSP/33/10

2 Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 Chancellor’s statement 12.30pm 21 October HM Treasury publication – Government department websites Letter to Leaders of Local Authorities – Eric Pickles Some inconsistencies Detailed funding for Council and Partners to established Government Departments to develop over coming months

3 Department for Communities & Local Government - Headlines Overall reduction of 33 per cent in real terms by 2014-15 £1.6bn devolved to local government 13% Reduction in Fire & Rescue Priorities –Increase Housing Supply Delivering up to 150,000 new affordable homes Reforming planning system, New homes bonus –£890m to Regional growth fund by 2013/4 –Protecting funding for the most vulnerable £6bn to supporting people programme

4 DCLG – Grants to Local Government Resources reduced by 28% over 4 years, excluding schools, fire and police Funding to enable council tax freeze in 2011-12 at 2.5% Ending of ringfencing of revenue grants from 2011-12, except –Simplified school grants –New Public Health Grant from 2013 £4 billion of grants in 2010-11 into formula grant, reduction of core revenue grants from over 90 to fewer than 10 Additional £2 billion to support adult social care, including investment £1 billion per year by 2014-15, through the NHS to break down the barriers between health and social care Maintaining prudential borrowing Interest on Public Works Loan Board loans increased to 1% above government gilts Forecast capital spending reduction of 30%

5 Department for Education Non schools DFE budget 12% cut in real terms by 2014/15 –Admin/back office, reducing 16/19 unit costs –Education maintenance allowance support most disadvantaged 0.5bn saving –Rationalising /ending centrally directed programmes for children, young people & families – New Early Intervention Grant Real term increase 0.1% in each year for 5-16’s budget including £2.5bn pupil premium Extending 15 hr week early years education & care to all disadvantaged two year olds from 2012/13 Sure Start Services maintained in cash terms, including new investment in SS Health visitors, but re-focussing on its original purpose of improving the life chances of disadvantaged children –Encouraging more community providers, payment by results, early years single formula £15.8bn capital to rebuild or refurbish over 600 schools (BSF & Academies)

6 Department for Business Innovation & Skills Overall 25% savings - 40% from higher education Spending on Adult Community Learning protected and reformed Reform of higher education greater proportion of funding from individuals who benefit The Further Education resource budget will be reduced by 25%, or £1.1billion, from £4.3 billion to £3.2 billion by 2014-15 Increasing by £250m a year by 2014/15 on new adult apprenticeships Building a sustainable future for Post Office Ltd

7 Home Office Central Government funding to Police reduced by 20% in real terms by 2014/15 Ensuring that police resources are properly targeted by introducing directly-elected Police and Crime Commissioners Ending of central targets Review of conditions Efficiencies in; –Back office –Improved productivity –Better use of technology

8 Department of Environment £2bn on flood defence but expect 15% efficiency savings on capital investment –Funding restricted to 140,000+ population Cease funding 7 waste PFI projects –No impact for Torbay

9 Department for Transport 28% savings from local transport revenue funding. Simplification and reform of local transport funding, moving from 26 grant streams to 4 from 2011-12: –a local sustainable transport fund (capital and revenue) –major schemes (capital) –block funding for highways maintenance (capital) –block funding for small transport improvement schemes (capital). £560 million local sustainable transport fund to bid into Continue to prioritise highways maintenance, providing over £3 billion over the next 4 years. This takes account of the significant scope for efficiencies, for example through combining purchasing power of local authorities to drive down prices.

10 Department for Media Culture & Sport 24% savings in real terms Limiting cuts to museums, frontline arts organisation and whole sport plans to 15 per cent Abolition of 19 quangos Overall budget reductions to Sport England (33 per cent), UK Sport (28 per cent), English Heritage (32 per cent), Visit Britain (34 per cent) and Arts Council England (29 per cent) Improvements driven through –Corporate investment –Reform of lottery £150m boost to arts, sports, & heritage –Freedoms and flexibilities for museums - access to reserves of privately raised funds, strategic approach to funding

11 Department for Work & Pensions Overall savings of 25%in real terms of core budget by 2014/5 –Digital services for benefits processing –Better targeting of employment programmes –Health & Safety Executive Preserving key benefits for older people –Raising retirement age to 66 by April 2020 –Pensioner Credit Freezing maximum savings allowance (£330m –Introduction of Universal Credit single tapered benefit –Capping household benefit payments –Single room rate extended to 35 years (£215m) –Withdrawing child benefit to higher rate taxpayers (£2.5bn) –Controlling costs of tax credits Childcare element of Working Tax credit (£390m) Eligibility rules (£390m) –Removal of disabled living allowance for those in residential care (£135m) Reducing Council tax benefit cost by 10% & localising from 2013 (£490m) Personalised back to work support through work programme for long term unemployed Establishment of National Employment Savings Trust

12 Cabinet Office £470m support for the Civic Society organisations sector –Transition fund of £100m to support voluntary & community groups affected by spending reductions to build ‘Big Society –National Citizen Service to develop young peoples skills –Community First Fund – support to small organisations in deprived areas One off funding 2014/5 £85m for individual electoral registration £120m in the last year of the settlement for the European Parliament elections.

13 Conclusion & Issues Overall impact in line with expectations Impact of Benefit reforms on community Partner organisations – cost shunting Localism –against a background of cuts Funding for new responsibilities

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