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1 Schools Forum 02 October 2014

2 Schools Forum Membership 2

3 Refer to Report Primary Headteacher’s Group have been asked to seek representation (3 primary headteachers) The Special Headteacher’s Group have been asked to seek representation for their (1 headteacher). If agree to recommendation below there will be 2 primary governor vacancies and 1 secondary maintained headteacher vacancies 3

4 Recommendation In line with the constitution, to seek resignation/removal from the Schools Forum for anyone who has missed in excess of 3 meetings (in a row) with no extenuating circumstances, and seek alternative representation. Where terms of office are up for renewal, and members have not breached attendance rules to seek renewal To ask the academy group to consider whether there should be representation from primary, Free Schools/UTCs within their group, and to consider how all parties can be represented Voting: All 4

5 Schools Forum Funding Sub- Group: Feedback 5

6 Refer to Report Sub-group met on the 4 th July and received information on: –Outturn position and budget monitoring - Early Years and High Needs; –Fair Funding Consultation; –Contribution to combined budgets (including Early Intervention & Prevention), –Parental fine process and income, –De-delegated Services with a focus on Trade Unions. The meeting focused on providing information, and there are no recommendations to made to the Schools Forum Next Meeting: 10 th October 2014 6

7 Fair Funding Consultation

8 Schools Forum Response Consultation closes tomorrow If Schools Forum agreeable we will capture your group response A number of issues you will be aware of already 8

9 Introduction Purpose of consultation Encourage responses Understand implications 9 1.DFE Directed Changes 2.DSG Budget Implications 3.Local Formula Changes 4.High Needs Block 5.Early Years

10 DFE Directed Changes: Fairer Schools Funding 15/16 Consultation launched in March Fairer School Funding Arrangements issued July 2014 Additional £390m for lowest funded LAs Coventry will not receive any of this funding

11 DFE Directed Changes: Non-recoupment Academies & Free School Funding 11 Funding for all schools included in the DSG. Coventry has no Non-Recoupment Academies Coventry currently has 3 Free Schools and more in pipeline

12 School Forum Functions Agree de-delegation for a range of services on primary sector’s behalf Make decisions in relation to centrally held spend for a number of services Has the opportunity to feed into the debate and discussion in relation to national direction of school funding Supports and influences local implementation of national funding policy Current Membership & Vacancies… DFE: Directed Changes: Schools Forum Membership

13 School Forum Membership - Changes EFA are proposing minor changes to existing regulations: extend membership to include; –a representative of alternative provision (AP) academies and free schools –representatives of special academies and special free schools (nb.) extend the forum’s consultation role to include; – the special places to be commissioned by the authority in different institutions, and the arrangements for paying top-up funding –the AP places to be commissioned by the authority and by schools in Pupil Referral Units and other providers of AP, and the arrangements for paying top-up funding. Nb. Although there are currently academy representatives on the forum these are not phase specific and this change introduces specific ‘Special Academy' representation.

14 DSG is cash limited –No inflation or cost pressures reflected in the funding Pupil Premium Grant –Significant increases, expecting this to continue BUT plateau 2011-12 £0.6bn nationally 2014-15 £2.5bn nationally Funding changes to Early Years 14 Budget Implications: National Funding 2015-16

15 Pensions –Officers 2014/15 increase of 3.6% (local pressure) 2015/16 further increase of 2.9%. –Teaching 2015/16 increase of 2.3% to 16.4%. City wide impact estimates: –>£2m Teachers (full year impact), –>£1m Officers Current Inflation: RPI 2.5% / CPI 1.6% 15 Budget Implications: Cost Pressures 2015-16

16 De-delegated services –Covered elsewhere on agenda Growth Fund –Covered elsewhere on agenda Falling Rolls Fund –Covered elsewhere on agenda 16 Local Formula Changes

17 Split Site Factor –DFE require that the eligibility criteria and formula for providing extra funding through the split site factor be set out in the APT Funding Formula Factor that allows for additional costs of running a school on multiple sites Propose not to change factor criteria 15/16 Carry out a review during 2015/16 and report back to School Forum 17 Local Formula Changes

18 High Needs Block 1) High Needs Banded Framework Top-up funding based on pupil need (not setting) A Banded Framework –To determine ‘Pupil Need’ in line with SEN COP –To determine funding attributable to that need Working Group set up 2) Commissioned High Needs Places 26 new places commissioned in Special Schools May be partially funded by EFA – No Guarantee Cost will be met from within funding envelope

19 Early Years Funding – For Info… DfE consultation issued 25 th June, closed 22 nd August. 1) Early Years Pupil Premium Grant Additional resource for disadvantaged 3 & 4 years olds Will be introduced April 2015 Pay providers additional £300 per year for each eligible child that takes up the full 570 hours Eligible Groups: low income families; LAC; adopted from care; special guardianship; child arrangement orders. 2) 2 Year Old Funding Move to participation funding DFE to confirm per child funding rates during Sept 2014

20 Financial Update

21 Update 2015/16 – Local Authority By 2016 Coventry will have had its government funding cut by nearly a half since 2010 Further, significant savings will be needed across services. Current estimate is that additional savings of approximately £60million a year will need to be implemented by 2017/18 Further discussion and briefings with members to take place Followed by a public consultation in relation to budgetary savings and reductions 4 th round of ER/VR now open, to date 1000 staff exited in this way 21

22 Update 2015/16 – DSG Funding Cash-limited Unknowns –October census –2 year old mainstreaming of offer –High needs – case for growth Pupil Premium – plateaued Early Years – pupil premium Early Years - participation Changing arrangements – free schools Reserves contribution 22

23 Update 2015/16 – DSG Cost Pressures Pensions – officers and teachers Inflation – pay and energy High needs growth Falling Rolls Fund 23

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26 26

27 MFG Disapplication Requests Refer to report 27

28 De-delegated Services 28

29 Background The 2013-14 reform directed that a number of centrally held budgets be delegated to schools. Learning & Behaviour Support Service, MGSS, Free School Meal eligibility, licences/subscriptions, and staff costs supply cover (maternity and trade union) Mainstream schools can opt to de-delegate (agree a local pooling arrangement to allow the function/ service to continue) 2014/15 Primaries opted to de-delegate all with the exception of MGSS – now offered as traded service except for new arrivals 2014/15 Secondaries opted to de-delegate FSM eligibility, Maternity, Licenses & Subscriptions 29

30 Decision Mainstream school reps on the Schools Forum to vote on de-delegation arrangements for 2015/16 Further discussion at Funding Sub-group to facilitate decision making 30

31 Growth Fund & Falling Roles 31

32 Growth Fund 15/16 – Refer to report Increasing Form of Entry: Basic Need - agreement with the LA to provide an extra class from the next September to support basic need Funding support Reception & Key Stage 1 only Class Size Funding: Funding is provided to a school or academy where overall pupil numbers in Reception or in Key Stage 1 exceed a multiple of 30 (as at the previous October Census). ‘Exempt’ pupils to be excluded Largely same arrangements as previous

33 Growth Fund - Decision 15/16 The Schools Forum should agree to the continued holding of some resource centrally to support additional classes needed to meet the infant class size regulation, and to support growth in pre-16 pupil numbers to meet basic need The Schools Forum should agree to the proposed criteria for the growth fund Please note the final amount within the growth fund is determined by October 13 census. Therefore the amount will be ratified as part of the budget setting process at a future meeting. Voting: All Members

34 Falling Rolls 15/16 – Refer to report New from 2014-15 Fund to support a school or academy where a population bulge is expected in the future (within 2-3 years), but which currently has surplus places This can only be applied where the institution has an OFSTED judgement of ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ Did not implement in 14/15, but agreed to review annually Currently an issue in the secondary sector, but any criteria would affect all schools Schools Forum Funding Sub-group to look at and make recommendations to Schools Forum

35 Falling Rolls fund continued –Eligibility Criteria examples Surplus capacity exceeds 5% of the published admission number Local planning data shows a requirement for at least 50% of the surplus places within the next 3 years –Funding methodology examples £x per vacant place, up to a specified maximum places A lump sum payment with clear parameters

36 Central Services Expenditure 36

37 Refer to report: Central Services Expenditure Number of areas of central expenditure budget which the Schools Forum must approve. These cannot exceed the value of the budget in 2012/13. Recommending that in line with last year we delegate the detail of this work to the Schools Forum Funding Sub group Group to make recommendations to the January Forum Meeting.

38 High Needs Funding Methodology: Special Schools Formula 38

39 Introduction Current Position –13/14 Funding Reform  Place-Plus model –Average top-up rate Linked to Institution/Institution type Proposed New Approach –A Banded Framework with top-up based on pupil need not setting –Need determined in line with new SEN code of practice –Potential to extend approach to cover all institutions

40 Progress Group has met twice so far –Key Principles and Terms of Reference agreed Developed approach to assessing pupil need –Looked at other LA’s frameworks –Developed Coventry approach –Initial sampling to see how this operates for current pupils –Further work being undertaken to finalise framework Next Steps –Full High Needs population to be mapped to new framework –Working group to begin looking at new funding rates

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