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Governor Data Training. Secondary National Standards National Floor Standards 5 A*-C including English and maths above 40% rising to 50% in 2015. Progress.

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1 Governor Data Training

2 Secondary National Standards National Floor Standards 5 A*-C including English and maths above 40% rising to 50% in 2015. Progress not below the median school score for pupils making expected progress in English and mathematics in 2012, which was 70% for each. National Bench Marks (2012) 5 A*-C including English and maths = 58.8% 3LP English = 68% 3LP Maths = 68.7%

3 Progress in secondary phase Baseline is KS2 data for English and maths for each student. This now can be either test or teacher assessed data. Each KS2 Level is divided into 3 sub levels e.g 4a, 4b, 4c. The national expectation of 3 levels of progress equates to 9 sub levels over 5 years. The requirement to close the gap on national benchmarks means that academies must aim for closer to 4 levels of progress or 11 sub levels over 5 years. From this information targets are generated for each student and tracking and monitoring on progress takes place

4 Pupil Premium Group (PPG) - Closing the gap PPG includes students who have been on Free School Meal in the last 6 years (FSM6). Students who are Looked After (LAC) and children of services parent/s. Currently these students do not do as well as national average. 5 A*-C EM 2012: Disadvantaged = 38.5%, Other = 65.7%, Difference = 27.2% Approximately 20% difference in 3 levels of progress in English and maths between Disadvantaged and Others. Students who are PPG have in 2013-14 £900 additional funding. This is to be planned for and used to raise the achievement of PPG students.

5 Ofsted Data Dashboard DfE Performance Tables Ofsted RaiseOnline Available through secure web site or download in Governors portal. Sources of other information for Governors

6 What the targets for cohorts, significant groups and subjects are in relation to progress being made as well as achievement? What is the current performance of PPG students or any other significant groups in cohorts or subjects? Predicted performance of above. How the quality of teaching relates to progress and outcomes? Do you know?

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