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Chapter 4 Section 2 Eukaryotic Cells.

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1 Chapter 4 Section 2 Eukaryotic Cells

2 Eukaryotic Cells Even though most cells are small, cells are complex.
A eukaryotic cell has many parts that help the cell stay alive. Some can be classified as plant cells or animal cells.

3 Cell Wall Plant cells have a cell wall.
The wall is a rigid structure that gives support to the cell. Plants have cell walls made of a complex sugar called cellulose. Animal cells do not have cell walls.


5 Cellulose Fiber Close Up

6 Activity: Cell Wall vs. Cell Membrane
Add color to the plant cell and its organelles. Cut out and glue onto the top of page 92. Label the cell wall. On the bottom of page 92, create an illustration that acts as an analogy of a cell membrane and an illustration that acts as an analogy of a cell wall.

7 Cell Membrane Protective barrier made up of proteins and lipids.
Separates the cell’s insides from the outside environment. Has two layers of phospholipids, which are types of lipids.

8 Cell Membrane 4. Each phospholipid has a hydrophobic, or “water fearing” end, and a hydrophilic, or “water loving” end. 5. The “water fearing” ends are on the inside of the cell membrane.


10 Cell Membrane 6. The “water loving” ends are on the outside of the cell membrane. 7. The whole structure makes it very difficult for materials to pass through.

11 Cell Membrane 8. Nutrients and wastes must pass through the membrane.
9. Passages made of protein make this happen. 10. Nutrients move in and wastes move out.

12 “It's said that All Hallows' Eve is one of the nights when the veil between the worlds is thin - and whether you believe in such things or not, those roaming spirits probably believe in you, or at least acknowledge your existence, considering that it used to be their own. Even the air feels different on Halloween, autumn-crisp and bright.” -Erin Morgenstern

13 Cell Membrane and Poster

14 Cytoskeleton A web of proteins in the cytoplasm of some cells.
Many organelles in cells are attached to the cytoskeleton.

15 Cytoskeleton 3. In an animal cell, the cytoskeleton defines the shape of the cell. 4. It is used for movement and to move objects around within the cell.

16 Cytoskeleton

17 Nucleus Contains the cell’s DNA.
DNA is the genetic material that contains the info on how to make a cell’s protein. Proteins control the chemical reactions in a cell and provide structural support for cells and tissues.

18 Nucleus 4. The nucleus is covered by two membranes.
5. Materials cross the double membrane by passing through pores. 6. Many cells have a darker portion of the nucleus called the nucleolus. 7. A cell begins to make its ribosomes in the nucleolus.

19 Nucleus

20 Ribosomes The smallest organelles in a cell; makes proteins.
More ribosomes in a cell than any other organelle. Ribosomes are not covered by a membrane. They make proteins by assembling chains of amino acids.

21 Ribosomes 5. An amino acid is any of 20 different organic molecules that are used to make proteins. 6. All cells need proteins to live. 7. All cells have ribosomes.

22 Ribosomes

23 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Many chemical reactions happen on or in the endoplasmic reticulum. A system of folded membranes in which proteins, lipids, and other materials. Internal delivery system of the cell. Contains many tubes and passageways.

24 The ER

25 ER Continued 5. It’s either rough or smooth.
6. The rough part is near the nucleus and makes many of the proteins. 7. Ribosomes are on the rough part. 8.The smooth part makes lipids and breaks down toxic materials.

26 Mitochondria Main power source of the cell.
Sugar is broken down to release energy. Covered by two membranes. Released energy is stored in ATP and used by the cell to do work.

27 Mitochondria

28 Mitochondria 5. The inner membrane is where most of the ATP is made.
6. Mitochondria are the size of some bacteria. 7. They have their own DNA and can divide within the cell.


30 Golgi Complex Packages and distributes proteins.
Lipids and proteins are delivered here from the ER. Modifies lipids and proteins. Final product is enclosed in the Golgi complex’s membrane and is transported inside or outside of the cell.

31 Golgi Complex

32 Vesicle A small sac that surrounds materials to be moved through, into, or out of a cell.

33 Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes and are responsible for digestion inside a cell. Destroy worn-out or damaged organelles.

34 Lysosomes 3. Get rid of waste materials. 4. Digest foreign invaders.

35 Lysosomes

36 Vacuoles Another type of vesicle.
Contain digestive enzymes and aid in digestion. Plant cells have a large central vacuole that stores water.

37 Vacuoles

38 Chloroplasts Found only in plant cells.
Organelles in which photosynthesis takes place. Have a green color because of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll traps the energy of sunlight, which is then used to make sugar.

39 Chloroplasts

40 There are 11 foreign invaders and 4 lysosomes in one of your cells
There are 11 foreign invaders and 4 lysosomes in one of your cells. If it takes each lysosome 1 hour to digest 1 foreign invader, how long will it take to digest all of the foreign invaders?

41 Chapter 4 Section 2 Closing Activity
Write one question on each of the four front tabs. Write your answers to each question on the back of the four tabs. Create an illustration representing your written answer for each question on the notebook side You should have a total of 4 questions, 4 answers, and 4 illustrations. Refer to the hardcopy on your desk for additional directions.

42 Chapter 4 Section 2 Closing Activity
Questions: Describe 3 ways in which plant cells differ from animal cells. A certain virus attacks the mitochondria in cells. What would happen to a cell if all of its mitochondria were destroyed? Do you think that having chloroplasts gives plant cells an advantage over animal cells? Support your opinion. An amoeba moves by creating an extension of the cell. The cytoplasm from the rest of the cell flows into the extension. Given what you know about cell parts, determine which cell part inside of an amoeba is most likely used to make the extension. (This question is already on your foldable)

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