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SWE Mentoring and Regional Succession Planning Colleen Layman - Director of Regions Wendy Landwehr - Deputy Director of Regions FY13 BOD1 - August 18,

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1 SWE Mentoring and Regional Succession Planning Colleen Layman - Director of Regions Wendy Landwehr - Deputy Director of Regions FY13 BOD1 - August 18, 2012

2 Goal To make a list of recommendations on how to improve and grow the current leadership pipeline/succession planning process to develop a continuous leadership program that tracks and supports SWE leaders throughout their entire SWE career from section to region to Society level. Share these recommendations with the Succession Planning Task Force. Page 2

3 Leadership Pipeline History The Region Leadership Pipeline Process was created in FY09 as a result of the work of the Leadership Pipeline Task Force Region Leadership Pipeline Process piloted in 5 Regions in FY09 (A, B, E, H and J) Rolled out to all 10 Regions in FY10 Goal: Identify leaders, develop mentor relationships and track leaders through the region nominating committee Page 3

4 Current Regional Program Status Nine Regions have a pipeline program with mentoring in place Average: 10 mentors/10 mentees per Region Interactions between mentor/mentee pairs varies significantly o Planned/scheduled interactions versus discretion of pair Inconsistency between ownership of program o LCC versus Region Nominating Committee versus Other Challenges expressed by RGs: o Finding available mentors possessing appropriate knowledge o How to guide mentors in working with mentees o Ownership of programs o Transition from Region roles to Society roles Page 4

5 Program Gap Analysis Leadership Election Task Force Major gaps identified in FY12 BOD4 report out included: o Lack of a Society-level mentoring program o Incomplete and inconsistent region pipeline processes There does not exist a comprehensive program that supports the growth of SWE leaders as they move from section to region to Society level leadership positions or from region to region. Current programs are individual region level only Page 5

6 Program Gap Analysis (cont) Regional Programs have had some success at improving succession planning at Region Level Smooth and continuous transition to Society level positions -> requires consistency in Region programs Programs have been successful in attracting interest, but need tools to retain and develop leaders o Mentoring and Coaching Programs/Tools/Guidelines – Recommended discussion topics – Planned meeting schedule o Competency Model and SWE Career Path Understanding – What skills/experience do I need? – What paths are available? o Other Leadership Development Tools (D&I, Knowledge of SWE, LCC/CLCC Tools) Page 6

7 FY13 + Planning Region Governance Team Sub-team formed for FY13 to focus on improving quality and consistency of Region Pipeline Programs Allison Goodman (RG A) leading effort Reviewing existing Region mentoring/pipeline programs o Best practices and lessons learned from Region experiences Develop recommended guidelines for RGs to share and improve program in all Regions. Page 7

8 FY13 + Planning Brainstorming Discussion How do we improve mentoring and succession planning in the organization? Page 8

9 Brainstorming Topics Page 9 How do we provide continuous leadership development training throughout one’s SWE career from section to region to Society levels? What are the necessary attributes of a good mentoring program for developing SWE leaders? How do we increase diversity and promote inclusion in succession planning and SWE leadership? How do we leverage existing programs (i.e. SWEFL, CLF, LCC) and incorporate them into the pipeline process?

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