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NCATE Unit Standards…Revised Antoinette Mitchell Vice President, Unit Accreditation.

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Presentation on theme: "NCATE Unit Standards…Revised Antoinette Mitchell Vice President, Unit Accreditation."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCATE Unit Standards…Revised Antoinette Mitchell Vice President, Unit Accreditation

2 Agenda NCATE Web Conference: Revised NCATE Unit Standards 2:00 – 2:10Introductions and Review of Elluminate Software 2:10 – 2:15Standards Revision Process and Timeline 2:15 – 3:15Review of Standards 1-6 3:15 – 3:30 Questions

3 Elluminate Icon Review To use this web conference tool, remember these icons. Raise hand Yes, No Mic

4 Elluminate Icon Review Remember these icons, too. Clapping Happy face Sad face

5 This Presentation Designed to introduce the changes to the Unit Standards Identifies key changes Includes suggestions for how a unit might approach these changes Hopefully will answer your questions

6 Standards Revision Conducted by the Standards Committee of the Unit Accreditation Board Promised not to make major changes Changes reflect input from professional community Revised standards go into effect for visits in fall 2008

7 Conceptual Framework –a. Eliminated the “evidences of the conceptual framework” section –b. Integrated proficiencies related to diversity and technology into the structural elements –c. Added a summary of the entire assessment system, and not just the section on candidate proficiencies, as a structural element

8 Conceptual Framework vision and mission of the institution and unit; philosophy, purposes, goals, and institutional standards of the unit; knowledge bases, including theories, research, the wisdom of practice, and educational policies that drive the work of the unit; candidate proficiencies related to expected knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions, including proficiencies associated with diversity and technology, that are aligned with the expectations in professional, state, and institutional standards; and a summarized description of the unit’s assessment system

9 Introduction to the Unit Standards Decided not to change the order of Standards 1 Candidate Knowledge Skills and Dispositions and Standard 2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation Eliminated the division between candidate performance and unit capacity standards Numbered the Standards and elements

10 Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions Changed the order of the elements –1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates –1b. Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates –1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates –1d. Student Learning for Teacher Candidates

11 Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions 1e. Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals 1f. Student Learning for Other School Professionals 1g.Professional Dispositions

12 Expectations for advanced progs. for teachers (Standard 1a&b) –Expertise – Explanation of instructional choices –Increased reflection –Large pool of strategies

13 Expectations for advanced level programs for teachers (1c) –Know major schools of thought such as Dewey, Friere, Skinner, Piaget, Vygotsky Culturally relevant pedagogy; language development; motivation theory –Know school, family, and community context such as Knowledge of neighborhood resources, challenges Knowledge of family strengths and stresses, home language, identity, history –Understand current research, policies, implications such as State level policies (Reading First, Grad. Regs, retention policy) NCLB, linking student test scores back to teachers

14 Expectations for advanced level programs for teachers (1d) Understand major concepts and theories related to assessment…such as –Purposes of assessment –Types of assessment –Principles of assessment Analyze and use data such as –Vocabulary –Questions School and community resources such as –Experts (counselors, social workers, spec. ed teachers, reading coaches, other teachers) –People, libraries, businesses, community centers, non-profits

15 Expectations for Dispositions(1g) Fairness and belief that all students can learn such as –Showing respect for students and families tone, attitude, knowledge base, goals –Working with all students in the class Quality and amount of interaction Adjusting methods of instruction, lesson plans –Assessed through Observations, guided reflection, peer review, Interviews, papers, lesson plans, analysis of tapes

16 Standard 2 2a ….and unit operations such as –Asking whether the system as a whole is on- task; is the information being produced meaningful, helpful, relevant? –Is the timing right, is the system efficient, unnecessarily complicated? etc. –Are your unit and its programs better because of the system?

17 Standard 3 3b. Criteria for school faculty….who are prepared for their roles as mentors and supervisors. (p.19 of Standards document) –Document training sessions –Document that each cooperating teacher or supervisor for advanced level programs attended and/or participated

18 Standard 3 Advanced programs for continuing education of teachers –Expected to complete field experiences linking course work to classroom setting –Expected to have experiences that include students from diverse backgrounds –Field experiences can take place in a myriad of places, including their own classrooms Candidates in other advanced level programs –Expected to complete field experiences and clinical practice –Expected to have experiences that include students from diverse backgrounds –Field experiences can take place in a myriad of places, including their own classrooms –Clinical experience must be supervised

19 Standard 4 4a Curriculum and field experiences –Framework for understanding diversity Not as an add-on, thoughtful integration Clear proficiencies and assessments –Knowledge of English language learners such as Building blocks of language Stages of second language acquisition Context matters; students are competent in home language Different dialects of English How to use multiple assessments to determine what students know Important connections between language

20 Standard 4 –Connect lessons/services to student experiences and culture Neighborhood interests, history, mores, families –Communicate with families in ways that are sensitive to culture and gender differences Understand family prior experiences with schooling Navigate language barriers Think about ways to involve families that are non- threatening, relaxing Contact families with good news

21 Standard 4 4b At least two ethnic groups –From U.S. census –Designed to answer the questions: How many groups? What groups?

22 Standard 5 5a, 5c, 5d - qualifications, best practice, and scholarship a few, most, all Combined elements on service and collaboration

23 Standard 6 6b With clinical components or similar units at other campuses –Nursing –Psychology Including class-size and on-line course delivery

24 Next Steps Share changes using Standards Documents: –NCATE Unit Standards Revision –Revised NCATE Unit Standards

25 Questions BOE Members will receive training prior to fall 2008 Institutional Reports will be written to these standards for visits in fall 2008 and beyond ???

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