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Globalization, Methods and practice in periphery classrooms Suresh Canagarajah Gustavo Aliaga- Siomara Pizarro.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization, Methods and practice in periphery classrooms Suresh Canagarajah Gustavo Aliaga- Siomara Pizarro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization, Methods and practice in periphery classrooms Suresh Canagarajah Gustavo Aliaga- Siomara Pizarro

2 Globalization and global village METHODS Industrialised Not peripheral Global

3 Centre methods Do not think in communities necessities Do not are aware of the evolution It is impossible to reach a method’s domination

4 Scholars and methods transfer Adrian HollidayMartha Pennington An explicitly centre-periphery model Methods based on adoption of innovation CLT model to create a cultural- neutral and universal method Psychological point of view. Adaptation and adoption

5 Post-methodism Standar Method Best method diversity

6 Suresh´s method definition “ Methods are for me, teaching approaches that come with an integrated set of theories and instructional techniques” (Suresh, methods and practice in peripheral classroom, p.142)

7 Learner strategies typology Affective strategies Social strategies Metacognitive strategies Memory- relates strategies General cognitive strategies Compensatory strategies

8 “The best learner training includes an explicit and clear focus on specific strategies…”

9 B. Kumaravadivelu defines his macro-strategies as ‘a broad guideline, based on which teachers can generate their own situation-specific, need-based micro- strategies or classroom techniques’

10 Maximize learning opportunities; Facilitate negotiated interaction; Minimize perceptual mismatches; Activate intuitive heuristics; Foster language awareness; Contextualize linguistic input; Integrate language skills; Promote learner autonomy; Raise cultural consciousness; Ensure social relevance.

11 Students should use different strategies. Using, alternately, the strategies that are comfortable and uncomfortable them enables students to gain different skills/competencies in language.

12 Classroom as a democratic space. Opening up the domain of pedagogy to students, so that they can hold equal responsibility for negotiating the relevant strategies for their purposes, democratizes the language classroom.

13 Factors in the different contexts in order to choose a correct strategy Task demands. Proficiency. Aptitude. Attitude Motivation. Anxiety. Self-confidence. Criteria.

14 How does the learning strategies approach deal with the problem of centre periphery inequalities in pedagogical transfer?

15 Answers… Rather than prescribing the course of teaching practice as most methods do, this approach encourages teachers and students to become more reflective and critically conscious of the strategies they themselves find useful according to a variety of contextual determinants. The author proposal here is to shift our orientation radically to first think of the students and the contextual realities before adopting a suitable pedagogical practice.

16 Final considerations for teachers … Teachers now need to study many things... They must realize that expertise doesn’t necessarily come from abroad, but needs to be developed in terms of local knowledge.

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