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Nano Photonics Laboratory :::

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Presentation on theme: "Nano Photonics Laboratory :::"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nano Photonics Laboratory :::
Advanced Optical Engineering Optical design with Lighttools - Understanding optical design procedure - Nano Photonics Laboratory ::: N P L

2 What is Lighttools? Simulation Software for optical system design
Provide various modules for specific uses Core module : 3d modeling, optical properties, ray-tracing.. Other modules : Solidworks link, Optimization, Advanced physics, illumination, data exchange..etc Prototype analysis illumination pattern, ray path, intensity distribution..etc Provide various library models..

3 Automotive Exterior lighting
What is Lighttools? Applications LED Outdoor illumination Automotive Exterior lighting microscopy Projector

4 Execute a program Advantage - 1 A variety of LED source library

5 Execute a program Advantage - 1

6 Data entry – lens parameter Advantage - 2
Optimization – reducing time, check design error. User defined constraints, merit function

7 User interface

8 User interface

9 User interface receiver source element(R,G,B)

10 User interface Problem1 (1pt)
- Explain about luminous flux(광속), intensity(광도), illuminance(조도), luminance(휘도) and their units

11 Example 1 Problem2 – Design the followings.
Air spaced achromatic doublet

12 Example 1 1 2

13 Example 1 Step1 – left lens 1 2 2를 실행하면 뜨는 명령어 R1 R2 tc1
해당 물질이 librar에 없으므로 추후에 다른 물질로 바꿔줘야함 렌즈 왼쪽 vertex를 0,0,0으로 맞춤 2를 실행하면 뜨는 명령어 R1 R2 tc1 렌즈 축의 방향

14 Example 1 Step1 – left lens 첫 번째 렌즈가 디자인 되었음.
그러나 ‘SILICA’를 ‘N-SSK2’로 바꿔줘야 함. ‘N-SSK2’와 가장 유사한 굴절률을 가진 다른 물질을 카탈로그에서 찾아서 변경

15 Example 1 Step2 – right lens 우클릭 - 숨기기를 이용하여 airgap부근의 디자인을 확인

16 Example 1 초점 위치 확인 확대하여 초점 부근의 광선이 제대로 모이는지, 여전히 수차가 발생하는지 ??
Lighttools에선 optical imaging system(lens array, digital camera, microscope, telescope..etc)의 ray path를 확인하기 위해 사용 imagin에 관한 정보(MTF, aberrations, ...etc)를 얻기 위해선 lmage path module 필요. other imaging system software : CODE-V, ZEMAX,

17 Example 2 Problem3 – catadioptric lens (Total Internal Reflection + Refraction) Upper diameter : 20mm Height : 10mm TIR lens Legacy reflector for LED

18 Example 2 Step1 – LED import. 보기-렌더링모드-반투명 – 내부의 chip이 보임

19 Example 2 마우스 우클릭 R: 2.7mm

20 Example 2 SweptEntity로 왼쪽과 같은 형상을 먼저 형성 후 정렬

21 Example 2 윗면 추가 기본값을 위와 같이 변경하여 아래 두 그림과 같이 나오는지 확인. LED 삽입부 제거

22 Example 2 초기디자인 획득

23 Example 2 Bad uniformity in the center of target plane
Optimization needed!! – (mesh) merit function

24 Example 2 Merit Function Name (optional): You can rename the new merit function by selecting the default name (New) and entering in a different name. Receiver: If a receiver is currently selected in the design view or the System Navigator or if it is the only receiver in the system, it is selected by default. If not, select a receiver from the drop-down box. Mesh: If a receiver is currently selected in the System Navigator or if it is the only receiver in the system, an associated mesh will be selected by default. Click the field next to the Mesh option and select a mesh type from the list.

25 Example 2 optimization variable setting appropriate upper/lower bound
Not all paramters are optimization variable – your desicion appropriate bound – your decision

26 Optimized uniform illumination
Example 2 summary of your optimization setup Optimized uniform illumination

27 Summary Lighttools has a variety of application such as imaging system, LED illumination...etc It provides a large number of library element. Various modules are provided. If you want to check feasibility of your own optical system, Lighttools can be solution. Please submit ‘2015xxxxxxx.lts’ file for optimization example. Also you should make a report about problems

28 The End

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