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Post White Paper Professor Craig Mahoney Chief Executive Higher Education Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Post White Paper Professor Craig Mahoney Chief Executive Higher Education Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post White Paper Professor Craig Mahoney Chief Executive Higher Education Academy

2 A Post-White Paper view of Learning and Teaching Professor Craig Mahoney Leadership Foundation Student Governor Conference 1 September 2011

3 Primary challenge in White Paper ‘Institutions must deliver a better student experience; improving teaching, assessment, feedback and preparation for the world of work’ Stresses pivotal role for teaching in HE, at the ‘centre of every higher education institution’s mission’ (para 2.7) Suggests HEIs will need to emphasise commitment to ensuring high quality teaching How might these affect the learning and teaching landscape? 3

4 A ‘pivotal role’ A ‘pivotal role’ = continuation of the debate about the quality of teaching Focus on quality of teaching is vital: -Student expectations at an all-time high (fee changes in England) -Students will expect good quality teaching -HEA believes academics in HE should be qualified to teach -Increased focus on training courses and their accreditation 4

5 Key Information Sets (KIS) White Paper suggests HEIs ‘publish anonymised information for prospective and existing students about the teaching qualifications, fellowships and expertise of their teaching staff at all levels’ (para 2.11) 5

6 Increased focus on flexible learning and retention and success White Paper: ‘a diverse, competitive system that can offer different types of higher education so that students can choose freely between a wide range of providers’ (para 4.6.) 6

7 Assessment and Feedback Low scores in NSS, PTES How will HEIs address this? HEA survey enhancement work 7

8 Postgraduate Students White Paper: benefits of postgraduate students having access to information relating to the student experience Higher Education Public Information Steering Group (HEPISG) - National Student Survey of taught postgraduates HEIs make available ‘a standard set of information similar to the KIS for... taught postgraduate courses’ (para 2.13) 8

9 HEA’s Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) Over 80 participating institutions PTES could form the basis of the proposed survey HEA represented on HEPISG 9

10 Student Engagement White Paper highlights students’ role Toolkit produced by NUS and HEA Student engagement activities likely to increase as HEIs involve students more fully as stakeholders HEA involving students in institutional change programmes 10

11 Employer Engagement White Paper stressed increasing collaboration between HEIs and employers (paras 3.2, 3.28) ‘to promote better teaching, employer sponsorship, innovation and enterprise (3.29.) Professor Sir Tim Wilson: review on ‘university- industry collaboration’ for the UK 11

12 Reward and Recognition Need to reward and recognise those who choose to focus on teaching as a career in HE White Paper referred to work by the GENIE CETL and HEA Teaching is not necessarily given sufficient recognition in promotion processes Important to reward teaching properly 12

13 Conclusion Student governors = diverse focus Keep learning and teaching front and central! 13


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