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Topic 1026: University-Type Education Process Report and Prolongation Proposals D.V. Fursaev UC Director Program Advisory Committee on Particle Physics,

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Presentation on theme: "Topic 1026: University-Type Education Process Report and Prolongation Proposals D.V. Fursaev UC Director Program Advisory Committee on Particle Physics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic 1026: University-Type Education Process Report and Prolongation Proposals D.V. Fursaev UC Director Program Advisory Committee on Particle Physics, 29 January 2009

2 main tasks Students, JINR-based departments JINR postgraduate programmes International education actions Secondary-school oriented activity Technical staff retraining Student laboratory infrastructure First Priority Topic 1026 "Organization, Maintenance, and Development of a University-Type Education Process"

3 University Centre (UC): key facts employees Staff (except postgraduates) 12 Part-time staff 8 Postgraduates 58 by category Scientists 3 Specialists 17 UC budget for 2008: 380 кUSD (topic is 72% of the budget)‏

4 Fulfillment of the Stated Tasks

5 Education Process Support: 1997-2007 The number of students has increased 9 times (approximately from 70 to 600). Seven new JINR-based departments have been opened: 4 of Dubna University; 2 of Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics, and Automatics; 1 of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. The JINR-based department of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has been reorganized and expanded. Students of higher education institutions of Dubna make up about 80% of JINR students. The number of students from JINR Member States’ has increased 5 times. The students come from 21 Uni’s of the Russian Federation and 16 Uni’s of other JINR Member States.

6 Some results more than 150 Master's theses are prepared each year; about one third of theses are prepared by students of the JINR- based departments; about 100 graduates who prepared Diploma at JINR have been employed at JINR over the past three years

7 UC Functions Financing the lecture courses (in 2007, 21 main and 3 optional courses). Managing the organizational issues for students connected with their attachment to JINR (accommodation, registration, etc). Coordination of the curricula with the students’ home institutions. Providing and maintaining the lecture auditoriums and computer classrooms. Lecturenotes publishing (30 publications during ten years). Providing support to special programmes (the LHC programme and the programme of training specialists for the Slovak cyclotron complex).

8 JINR Postgraduate Studies JINR received a postgraduate education license in 1998, 2003, and 2007 JINR offers postgraduate programmes in 10 specialties 174 have completed the JINR postgraduate programmes 34 have defended their Candidate’s theses 42% of the JINR postgraduates are graduates of Moscow’s higher education institutions The greatest numbers of the JINR postgraduates are associated with the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (38) and Laboratory of Nuclear Problems (35).

9 UC Functions Receiving a postgraduate education license for JINR. Enrolment in the postgraduate programmes and keeping the documentation related to the postgraduate studies. Offering the courses of preparing the postgraduates for the Candidate’s Minimum examinations. Keeping the postgraduates’ academic records and attestation. Providing encouragement stipends to the postgraduates. Organizing schools, seminars, etc.

10 UC’s International Education Actions International Summer Student School on Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine (Dubna, 2001 and 2005; Poznan, 2003; Prague, 2007), International Student School on Neutrino Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontecorvo (Alushta, 2003)‏ International student practices in JINR fields of research (the practices have been held since 2004 and attended by students of Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and South Africa)‏ Acquaintance visits by students of JINR Member States

11 Some results of international activity Growing number of participants in international practices from JINR Member States; New countries join the JINR education programmes (South Africa); Growing number of grants from the plenipotentiaries (6 counties in 2008); More young scientists come to JINR from Member States (30% of JINR’s physicists from Poland are under the age of 30)‏

12 Secondary School Oriented Activity Weekly classes for 2–3 groups of Dubna secondary school pupils at the UC School Practicum as part of an optional course of physics Courses of preparing entrants to Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (1999–2005) Annual (since 2003) visits to the UC by pupils from lyceums of Poland and Germany Open conferences of Moscow Region’s secondary school pupils on modern issues of natural sciences (since 2005; 50–60 participants annually)‏

13 JINR Staff In-Service Training JINR has a license to offer programmes of training specialists for operating equipment which is within the jurisdiction of the Federal Technical Inspection. 760 people have completed these programmes and received the qualifications of compressor facility operators, electricians, load- lifting mechanism operation and maintenance staff, etc. About 60 people taken on the JINR staff have received new working specialties; over 100 staff members have been trained in a second specialty (bricklayers, plasterers, carpenters, etc.). About 800 members of engineering and technical staff have been trained and certified as persons responsible for performing specific work. Over 300 students of professional lyceums and technical schools had practical training at JINR.

14 UC Infrastructure Secondary school practicum, 2002 (equipment for the advanced study of mechanics, optics, and thermodynamics by school pupils)‏ UC’s new training center, 2006 (training and retraining of engineering and technical staff)‏ Network and computer infrastructure (fully upgraded UC’s network, two computer classrooms, and a high-performance farm for teaching Grid technologies).

15 UC Infrastructure Student Laboratories, 2005 The Laboratories occupy 430 sq. meters on the fifth floor of Building 113, the Laboratory of Nuclear Problem’s site of JINR. About 60% of rooms have been repaired. The Laboratories of Molecular Physics, Optics, and Atomic Physics have been created. The creation of the Laboratory of Nuclear Physics has begun.

16 Financing: cooperation between JINR and Universities Room repairs: JINR infrastructure Laboratory infrastructure and equipment (about 70 кUSD during 4 years)‏ Furniture Dubna University Charitable Russian funds

17 Topic Prolongation prolongation period: 2008 – 2013 (another five years); the title of the topic is left unchanged; completion of the creation of the Student Laboratories (15 kUSD/year, which is 4% of the UC budget); support of the laboratory infrastructure (financing two additional UC staff positions); increase in the number of the JINR postgraduates (by 15, or 25%).

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