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© University of Reading Initial Teacher Training Information Meeting School Direct.

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1 © University of Reading Initial Teacher Training Information Meeting School Direct

2 Are you……  A fully qualified teacher from overseas?  Wishing to teach Primary /Secondary / undecided?  Planning to train in an independent school?  Planning to train in a special school or PRU?

3 Minimum entry requirements for teacher training:  All trainees: GCSE Maths and English Language Grade C or above or equivalent  Primary trainees only: GCSE in a Science subject Grade C or above or equivalent  All trainees: An undergraduate degree of at least 2:2 Honours (for bursary-funded places)  The TA is expecting most trainees to have at least a 2:1

4 Certificates Candidates selected for interview are required to show their original  Maths and English GCSE certificates  Science GCSE certificate (if Primary)  Undergraduate degree certificate It is not possible to begin initial teacher training until all qualifications have been checked and verified

5 All those applying for teacher training must:  Show that they can communicate effectively in both spoken and written English  If accepted, undergo Criminal Record Bureau and any other background checks  Meet the requirements for ‘fitness to teach’

6 Changes in routes offered  Major changes in teacher training options from 2013:  PGCE (and Undergraduate routes) will continue to be available  Introduction of School Direct  Closure of the GTP, nationally 6

7 What is School Direct?  School Direct is a new programme proposed in the 2011 Department for Education (DfE) Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Strategy paper ‘Training Our Next Generation of Outstanding Teachers’  It has been introduced on a limited scale this academic year 2012/13  School Direct is intended to help schools take a leading role in initial teacher training  Schools will continue work with accredited ITT providers (such as the University of Reading) to deliver training 7

8 There are two versions of School Direct…  The School Direct Training Programme  The School Direct Training Programme (salaried)  GTP relaunched to “high quality career changers” under the School Direct name – School Direct (salaried) 8

9 The School Direct Training Programme  Open to all graduates  Funded by tuition fees paid by the trainee  A trainee on School Direct (Non-salaried) will be eligible for a bursary but will have to pay tuition fees (as for PGCE)  Bursaries from the Teaching Agency will use the same model that has been introduced for PGCE: 9

10 Salary Grants and Costs  A trainee in School Direct (Salaried) must be paid on the unqualified teaching scale. Lowest salary level (September 12) is £15,817  A trainee on School Direct (Non-salaried) will be eligible for a bursary but will have to pay tuition fees (as for PGCE)

11 Bursaries Secondary maths, physics, chemistry, modern languages (£) Other priority secondary specialisms and primary (£) Primary Mathematics Specialism (£) General science and non-priority secondary specialisms (£) 1st class (and PhD) 20,0009,00011,0000 2:1 (and some Masters) 15,0004,0006,0000 2:2* (bottom tier) 12,000000 11 Or go to the DfE web site, “Get into teaching” > Funding for teacher training > Postgraduate initial teacher training

12 The School Direct Training Programme (salaried)  Employment-based route into teaching; the trainee is employed as an unqualified teacher by a school.  A trainee in School Direct (Salaried) must be paid on the unqualified teaching scale. Lowest salary level (September 12) is £15,817.  Intended for high quality graduates with three or more years’ career experience.  The Teaching Agency (TA) provides funding, which the school can use to subsidise the trainee’s salary and/or training.  There will no longer be a “supernumerary” requirement, as there is with the current GTP. 12

13 How will I apply for School Direct?  Application will be through the Teaching Agency to a school that has been allocated School Direct places by the Teaching Agency  The University, as accredited provider, is responsible for the programme’s QA, and will expect to interview you too  Schools are not finding School Direct easy

14 Which school?  Schools made bids for School Direct places by 15 th October.  Places were confirmed to schools by the Teaching Agency early November  PGCE places have been allocated to providers (including UoR) subsequently. Application will be through GTTR in the normal way  There are many fewer Secondary PGCE places available than previously 14

15 Why would schools offer School Direct (Salaried)?  As part of a long-term strategy to beat teacher shortages (‘grow your own’)  Promotes professional development and new ideas amongst existing school staff  It gives teachers some ‘space’ once trainee is competent to take responsibility for whole classes (usually in final term)

16 Filling a vacancy?  GTP trainees enjoyed supernumerary status. The new funding arrangements no longer support this, and so trainees may be expected to take on responsibilities outside of their training programme.

17 Finding a School  Schools will recruit for School Direct in different ways:  Advertising  Open evenings  Receiving direct approaches  Supporting applications by existing staff  Often better initially to ask for experience rather than a place  May be a long process

18 Things to consider…..  Travelling time and costs  Family circumstances  How much practical support available? partner/parents/children/friends/au pair  Full time job - long hours with preparation in evenings and at weekends

19 The ideal candidate…….

20 will have good degree qualifications  The classification of your degree will be taken into consideration when shortlisting  For Secondary, the subject of your degree should normally include at least 50% subject specialism content in the subject you wish to teach  For Primary there is no restriction on the subject of your degree. However, at interview you may be asked to relate its relevance to teaching

21 will have recent school experience  As a regular volunteer or parent helper  As a paid Teaching Assistant/Cover Supervisor  Through observation visits* * Candidates are expected to have had experience in a state-maintained mainstream school in England or Wales before they make their application. This experience should be recent i.e. within the last year

22 should have…..  some understanding of current educational issues  looked at National Curriculum and other appropriate documents  engaged in discussions with school staff  a high level of commitment to the demands of the programme

23 may also have…..  other experiences of working with children/young people (e.g. as a youth worker, a Brownie leader, a sports coach or TEFL)  a range of prior experience involving people skills

24 Programme Structure  School Direct is a school-based programme  We expect that trainees will attend regular central training days at the University, but this has still to be negotiated with schools  Standard length is one year full time  The programme follows school term dates

25 How does the training work?  The intention is that:  All trainees have an individualised Professional Learning Plan  Guidance is provided by a school-based Mentor  Trainees are visited in school by a University Tutor  Assessment is continuous and formative against the ‘Teachers’ Standards’

26 A typical training programme may include:  Attendance at central training events  Teaching experience in two schools  Observation of good practice  Studying official documents ( National Curriculum; school policies etc )  Interviews with a wide range of adults involved in the life of the school and the care of pupils  Visits to observe other age-ranges

27 What next?  Visit the DfE web site (search: School Direct DfE)  Consider whether you are eligible for School Direct (Salaried)  Talk to schools about whether they will support you for a place  If they have any queries, please ask them to contact the UoR 27

28 Any questions? Hazel Inglese, School Direct Administrator e-mail:

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