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Religious Diversity and Education: Why do we need to think about it? March 7, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Religious Diversity and Education: Why do we need to think about it? March 7, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religious Diversity and Education: Why do we need to think about it? March 7, 2012

2 Agenda: Housekeeping PTE #3! BREAK Sharing Observations Teaching Tolerance: Modesto (Video and Debrief) SQP2RS (Squeepers) on the First Amendment and teaching Time to work on the PTE

3 Objectives, March 7, 2012. SWBAT: Content Develop a better understanding of the cultures encountered at schools. Recognize stereotypes that pervade American society, and the impact they have on students’ concepts of self and self-esteem. Examine the way teachers need to think about religion in k-12 classrooms. Language Verbally share experiences with a partner, then with the class. Watch a video about a class in Modesto. Consider the readings we did and discuss whether the class would be an important one. Using an instructional framework, read and write a response to FAQs about religion in the classroom.

4 PTE #3!

5 Think…Write…Pair….Share What were some of your reactions to the readings: 9/11 and the Indian Diaspora: Narratives of Race, Place and Immigrant Identity AND How teaching world religions brought a truce to the culture wars in Modesto, California ?

6 Modesto’s Model of Religious Literacy How might we develop a greater understanding of religion? How does learning about different religions help students get along in school?

7 SQP2RS: We are going to do a reading about the first amendment and religion Skim/Survey: Take 30 seconds to “skim” the reading, look at headings and pictures. Question: Take 1 minute to write down 2-3 questions you think will be answered in the text. Predict: What do you think the most important things in this reading are going to be? (write them down) Read: Read the reading. Respond: See if your questions were answered and how accurate your predictions were. Review as a class. Summarize: Each student should write a one to two paragraph summary of the reading, to turn in.

8 Objectives, March 7, 2012. SWBAT: Content Develop a better understanding of the cultures encountered at schools. Recognize stereotypes that pervade American society, and the impact they have on students’ concepts of self and self-esteem. Examine the way teachers need to think about religion in k-12 classrooms. Language Verbally share experiences with a partner, then with the class. Watch a video about a class in Modesto. Consider the readings we did and discuss whether the class would be an important one. Using an instructional framework, read and write a response to FAQs about religion in the classroom.

9 PTE time….

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