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Bell Ringer  What do you know (or think you know) about the 1960s?  When you are done, turn in your bell ringers (or alternate assignment)

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer  What do you know (or think you know) about the 1960s?  When you are done, turn in your bell ringers (or alternate assignment)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer  What do you know (or think you know) about the 1960s?  When you are done, turn in your bell ringers (or alternate assignment)

2 Ch. 14: Kennedy Handout/Video  Use the McGraw Hill textbook to answer questions about President John F. Kennedy’s administration.  When everyone completes the handout we will begin a documentary about Kennedy’s assassination  While watching the video you will write:  10 facts you learn about Kennedy  10 facts you learn about Johnson  10 other facts you learn from the video  Who you think killed President Kennedy

3 Chapter 14: The Sixties A Decade of Protest and Change

4 Defining The Sixties The “torch was being passed to a new generation of Americans” –John F. Kennedy  Advances in civil rights  African Americans  Women  Other minority groups  President Johnson  Had dreams of ending poverty  Derailed by Vietnam War  Young Americans questions conformity  New forms of art, music, and self-expression

5 John F. Kennedy

6 The Kennedy Presidency 1960-1963  1960 Election  John F. Kennedy (D) vs. Richard Nixon (R)  First televised debates  Kennedy won  Youngest man elected to President “…ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” -John F. Kennedy

7 Domestic Policy Under Kennedy

8  New Frontier  Use the power of the Federal Gov’t to solve nation’s problems  Tax cuts to stimulate the economy  Medicare  Civil rights legislation  Increased aid to education  Peace Corps  Volunteers went to developing countries to share skills  Still exists None passed under Kennedy

9 Space Race under Kennedy  To counter Soviet’s space program  Pres. Kennedy announced that America would place a man on the moon before 1970  John Glenn  1 st American to orbit the earth  1969  (After Kennedy’s assassination)  Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon

10 Foreign Policy Under Kennedy

11 Foreign Policy under Kennedy  Opposed Communism, pledged to contain it  Cuba  1959 Fidel Castro led an uprising to overthrow the brutal Cuban dictator  Became a pro-Soviet Communist nation  Bay of Pigs Invasion-1961  Kennedy executed Eisenhower’s plan to overthrow Castro  Sent trained Cuban exiles into Cuba who were quickly overthrown by the Cuban military  Embarrassing failure for Kennedy

12 1961-1962  Alliance for Progress (1961)  Loans for Latin American countries to promote their economies  Berlin Wall (1961)  Kennedy met with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev  Meeting did not go well  Soviet’s began building the Berlin Wall  Cuban Missile Crisis  Watch video, discuss questions   Which 2 countries formed an alliance?  What did the Soviet Union place in Cuba?  What did the USA do in response?  What could have happened if the USA handed stopped the Soviet Union/Cuba?

13 Assassination of John F. Kennedy JFK supported racial integration He was assassinated Nov. 1963 in Dallas -Shot by Lee Harvey Oswald (had Soviet sympathies) -Conspiracies surround JFK’s death. VP Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as President

14 Kennedy Assassination w/EXhJiaFOnu

15 Lyndon B. Johnson

16 The Johnson Presidency 1963-1968  The Great Society  Federal legislation to transform society and improve quality of life  Complete the chart using page 295 Johnson’s Great Society Programs Civil Rights:War on Poverty: Medicare Act of 1965:Aid to Cities:

17 Johnson’s Great Society Programs Civil Rights: -Pushed through a program of civil rights legislation. -Civil Rights Act (1964) -Voting Rights Act (1965) -Introduced Affirmative Action War on Poverty: -Economic Opportunity Act (1964) -Job Corps-trained underprivileged youth Medicare Act of 1965: -Expanded Social Security to provide medical care to those over 65. Aid to Cities: -Money given to help cities with planning, clearing slums, rentals for the poor, reconstruction of building.  Despite the Great Society Program many Americans remained poor.  With the start of the Vietnam War, funding was pulled from these programs

18 Johnson Presidency Cont.  Immigration Policy  McCarren-Walter Act (1952)  Kept immigration quotas  Limited the number of immigrants from Asian  Immigration Act of 1965  Each country given the same quota for immigrants  Election of 1964  Johnson beat Barry Goldwater (R) by a landslide

19 Continued Civil Rights Advancements

20 Women’s Liberation Movement  AKA: Feminist Movement  Stereotypes of women as homemakers and mothers enforced in movies, TV, etc.  Women weren’t economically or socially equal to men  Fight for equality  Inspired by the African American Civil Rights Movement  Led by Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem  Challenged stereotypes of women  Friedan helped form the National Organization of Women

21 Achievements from Women  Education: More female college students and professors  Employment: Equal Pay Act  Required companies to pay women the same as men for the same work  Roe v. Wade (1973)  Supreme Court held that a woman had the right to privacy  Gave women the right to terminate a pregnancy the first 3 months  Title IX (1972)  Banned sexual discrimination in educational institutions

22 Key Terms and People

23 African American Militancy  Although the Civil Rights Movement was successful it did not completely end racism or provide equal opportunities  Many people believed the nonviolence used by Dr. King wasn’t enough  Many believed in the Black Power movement  African Americans should use their votes and their own decisions to free themselves from white domination

24 New African American Groups and Leaders  Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)  Did not allow white members  Black Muslims  Believed Islam should be the religion of African Americans and form their own black state  Black Panthers  Demanded compensation for the years of oppression  Malcolm X  Black Muslim who questioned Dr. King’s tactics  Believed violence should be met with violence  Assassinated in 1965 by rival Black Muslims

25 1968 Riots  Ghettos  Ethnic communities  African American Ghettos were typically decaying inner cities  Frustration with living conditions led to riots  Martin Luther King, Jr. is Assassinated  April 1968  Memphis, TN  Shot by a white supremacist  Led to anger and mourning  Sparked race riots

26 Chicano Movement  Chicano=Mexican Americans  Faced discrimination, racism, exploitation  Main issue:  Farm workers’ voting and political rights

27 Chicano Leaders & Litigation  Copy and complete this chart using page 304 Leader:Information: Hector Perez ________________ Occupation: Veteran of: Lived in: First Mexican American to: Cesar _________Organized workers in: Demanded: Achieved goal using: Dolores ________Helped Chavez form: In 1980s expanded efforts to: In 2012 awarded:  Then: read pages 307 -308 and complete the  “Applying What You Have Learned” on page 309

28 Chicano Leaders Leader:Information: Hector Perez GarciaOccupation: surgeon Veteran of: WWII Lived in: Texas First Mexican American to: Serve on the US Commission on Civil Rights Cesar ChavezOrganized workers in: California Demanded: increased wages, better working conditions Achieved goal using: strikes, fasts, boycotts Dolores HeurtaHelped Chavez form: National Farm Workers Association In 1980s expanded efforts to: Women’s Rights, Environmental Protection In 2012 awarded: Medal of Freedom

29 The American Indian Movement  Native American reservations lacked funding  1964-Legislation prohibited discrimination against Native Americans  Many Native Americans still felt they were being mistreated  Came up with the slogan “Red Power” and formed the American Indian Movement  Indians wanted more respect for their heritage  Disliked the stereotype of the “Indian” 


31 The “Youth Culture” of the Sixties

32 New Youth-Culture  Baby-boomers were in their 20s during the 60s and 70s  Some adopted a more “rebellious” spirit  They objected materialism and corporate America  Largely affected by rock music  Fashion and style changed  Experiments with drugs  Hippies  Left mainstream society and lived on communes  26 th Amendment  Lowered the voting age to 18 (was 21)

33 The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After  Create a chart (like the one on the next slide)  In the “Know JFK” section:  list at least 5 things you already know about JFK  In the “Know LBJ” section:  list at least 3 things you already know about LBJ  You will fill out the “Learned” section during the movie:  list at least 10 things you learned from the movie about JFK, LBJ, and others. Hand in before you leave

34 The Kennedy Assassination: Chart Know JFK Know LBJLearned 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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