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Medication POD Just-in-Time Training. Instruct Greeters to pass out consent/NAPH form, agent information sheets, and clipboards while people are in line.

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Presentation on theme: "Medication POD Just-in-Time Training. Instruct Greeters to pass out consent/NAPH form, agent information sheets, and clipboards while people are in line."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medication POD Just-in-Time Training

2 Instruct Greeters to pass out consent/NAPH form, agent information sheets, and clipboards while people are in line prior to the registration area. Tell the Greeters to assist people in line with questions on how to fill out the consent form. Instruct the Greeters to make clear to clients the consent form needs all client required information completed.

3 Go over consent forms and drug/agent information forms with staff. Tell staff who they should direct questions. For medical questions, they should raise their yellow card for a Medical Lead or a Medical Lead Assistant. For non-medical questions, they should raise their white card for a command staff.

4 Registration staff should check to make sure the entire client responsible portion of the NAPH or consent form is completed prior to advancing client to the screening station. The signature along with anything on the form that indicates an allergy, drug interaction, or other contraindication should be highlighted to draw attention to it. The Medication Dispenser can answer any medical questions at the station. Explain staff sensitivity and confidentiality needs to be exercised when highlighting or discussing information which may be embarrassing and be private to the client.

5 Line Staff at the after Screening Station are required to direct clients to either the Express Dispensing Line or Regular Dispensing Line as instructed by the Screener or indicated on the NAPH or consent form. (Top right hand corner) Line Staff should be positioned to control and direct crowds between Registration and Screening. A Line Staff at POD Exit and After Care is needed to assist in moving people through the final stages of the POD. A Line Staff person will be assigned to move throughout the POD to assist any confused clients.

6 Go over POD flow Go over steps to take for difficult clients Green card means that the station is ready for a new client Report bottle necks to Line Lead Assign positions throughout the POD

7 A functional needs client is anyone requiring special assistance while at a POD. Point out stations with easier access for people with disabilities. Line staff should escort people with functional needs to these stations. Go over symptoms of illness. Triage anyone with symptoms to the First Aid Area. Triage persons speaking different languages to the stations identified earlier.

8 Point out the Express Dispensing Line and stations. Triage all persons who have everyone on their NAPH/consent form who are adults and can take the primary drug to the Express Dispensing Line. Point out the Regular Dispensing Line and stations. Direct all clients that do not meet the Express Dispensing Line requirements to the Regular Dispensing Line.

9 At this time, read and understand your duties and responsibilities as discussed in your assigned job action sheet. Please hold your questions until everyone in our group is ready to participate and listen.

10 Questions???

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