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North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Presentation to Burlington Development and Infrastructure Committee – June 17, 2013 By Eagle Heights Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Presentation to Burlington Development and Infrastructure Committee – June 17, 2013 By Eagle Heights Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Presentation to Burlington Development and Infrastructure Committee – June 17, 2013 By Eagle Heights Technical Sub-committee North Aldershot Leaders Team Tom Muir, John Hubert, Bill Stoddart, John Quinn

2 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process CONTEXT delegation several times in the last 2 years last time April 30, 2012 before City Council on Eagle Heights issues the impact of the Minutes of Settlement –E.g., no City modification option for the application word change from "consultation" to "engagement", but no evidence of change from past practice of staff report process

3 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process CONTEXT No evidence of December 2011 request for consultation process, based on a formal interactive dialogue, ( so the public can have a real say in the decisions about future development of North Aldershot) precede any reports brought to Council for decisions. Lots of expressions of intent for engagement We are still sitting back waiting indefinitely – NO We want to engage our citizens

4 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Council Questions and Comments "what do you want?“ “Process?” "an informed say in the decision before it is made?” I was not prepared to answer adequately I am prepared today to tell you, “a process we want”

5 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Several additional new things bring me here today Councilor Craven's North Aldershot Leaders Team straw-voted "Eagle Heights Technical Sub- committee “ – October 18, 2012. This delegation is the result of a collaboration of the Subcommittee – initial report to Leaders Team January 2013 PIC indicated an intention to restart the Eagle Heights application with additional studies and associated process, including the OMB. Pre-hearing conference call planned for June 25.

6 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Burlington City Council approved its Citizen Engagement Charter. Citizen engagement: The right and responsibility of citizens to have an informed say in the decisions that affect their lives though a dialogue of mutual respect between government and citizen. Community engagement: The process by which citizens, organizations, and government work collaboratively. It includes information sharing, consultation, and active involvement in decision-making.

7 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Given this changed context, this activity and report of the sub-committee is appropriate and needed. An initial report was prepared by the Sub- committee and presented to the overall Leaders Team at their January 31, 2013 meeting. Focus: public engagement and consultation process that would be part of the restarted assessment of the PIC application regarding Eagle Heights.

8 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Process 1- Objectives - Transparent and accountable decision making - Public engagement say in decision-making, negotiations, and staff report - All before Final Staff Reports to Committee and Council - Overall, to have a partnership say in the vision, criteria, proposal merit and policy of City on North Aldershot

9 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process 2 – Tasks - Structure of oversight (Task Group) – Framework for decision making - Revisit NAIR - Staff to inform and enlighten public (and proposed Task Group) on the various policies that pertain to North Aldershot and any development proposal

10 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process 3 – Questions - Is Councilor Craven and Planning a part of this and supportive? - Are we (NA Leaders Group) here the core? - Unfinished business – Answers to questions on rationale for Minutes of Settlement – Eagle Heights.

11 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Attachment 2 Ideas developed after Jan 31 meeting Framework for a Concept Design of the Eagle Heights development in Aldershot something more than public meetings for members of the community to participate in ongoing discussions with respect to the Eagle Heights current application: a Task Group. The Sub-Committee ’ s suggestion is to create a group of interested residents, members of City staff, and members of Council to develop the community ’ s expectations for this heritage property.

12 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Collaboration of the City with the Leaders and Task Group on the built form and design of Eagle Heights.



15 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process Summary of interim specific requests and actions. 1. We formally request that actions be taken by Committee and City Council, to develop a citizen engagement and consultation process along the lines of the collaborative, interactive and mutual decision-making process suggested here. We ask for a written confirmation of this in the near future.

16 North Aldershot Citizen Engagement Process 2. There was an extensive number of issues and concerns contained in the March 2012 City letter to PIC, and in the Conservation Halton, Halton Region, and Ministry of Natural Resources comments reports on the application. We request that the public engagement and collaboration process include an audit of these expressed concerns and issues to determine confirmation of compliance and resolution.

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