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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF LABORATORY DATA FOR UST REPORTS Michael W. Gjerde Division of Clean Water Programs"— Presentation transcript:


2 OVERVIEW - REGULATION u Why u Who u What u Where u When u How Much u Help

3 WHY u Assembly Bill 2886 (2000) u Bring accurate and timely data about MTBE into centralized public database (GeoTracker) u SWRCB to adopt emergency regulations concerning electronic submission of UST reports u First attempt to get statewide submission of electronic data u Applies to soil and water samples from UST sites

4 WHO u Laboratories to prepare chemical analytical results in specified Electronic Deliverable Format for soil and water samples u RPs to submit electronic laboratory. sample information, and locational data to SWRCB in addition to regular hard copy reports sent to lead agency u Lead Agency to match electronic lab submission with receipt of hard copy reports

5 WHAT: EMERGENCY REGULATIONS u Three-step process: 1) Emergency EDF regulations for UST reports, 2) Final EDF regulations for UST reports and 3) SWRCB report to the governor and legislature.

6 WHAT u Adds Article 12 (Sections 2729 and 2729.1) to Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, CCR u Authority: Water Code Sections 13195 to 13198 u Requires: Electronic submission of laboratory reports for soil and water samplesElectronic submission of laboratory reports for soil and water samples Locational data for samplesLocational data for samples u Electronic submittal of data over the Internet shall be in addition to hard-copy reports

7 WHAT: EDF u “EDF” is Electronic Deliverable Format developed for the United States Army Corps of Engineers. u Data standard. u Set of relational database files u Data components include: the chain-of custody information,the chain-of custody information, laboratory results,laboratory results, and quality assurance information.and quality assurance information.

8 WHAT: COELT u “COELT” is the Corps of Engineers Loading Tool program. u Relational database application u Places laboratory data into the standardized EDF. u Accepts Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) data or manually entered data. u Includes a report utility

9 WHAT: EDCC u “EDCC” is the Electronic Deliverable Consistency Checker u EDCC program must be run upon completion of an EDF report to produce an error report. u Error report identifies problems within the given data set based upon the EDF database structure, guidelines and restrictions, and valid values.

10 WHAT: Electronic Submission of Laboratory Reports u Electronic submittal of EDF laboratory data over the Internet shall be in addition to hard-copy laboratory reports… u Generated by either COELT or other laboratory software. u All data shall be checked for errors prior to submittal, using the EDCC software consistency checking tool.

11 WHAT: LOCATION (XYZ) DATA u Information about sample collected: 1) the latitude and longitude of groundwater monitoring wells accurate to within one meter 2) the surveyed elevation, relative to mean sea level, of well casing in monitoring wells sampled 3) groundwater information (DTW, FP, status) 4) site map for soil sample locations

12 WHERE u SWRCB GeoTracker Database u Direct Link from main page, Emergency regulationsDirect Link from main page, Emergency regulations u For info and programs: AB 2886 EDF/COELT u For submittal: GeoTracker


14 EDF Information Web page

15 WHEN u September 1, 2001--- Electronic Laboratory ReportsElectronic Laboratory Reports u January 1, 2002--- Sample location (XYZ data)Sample location (XYZ data) u Electronic Submissions due when normal Hard Copy Reports submitted to Oversight Agency

16 WHO PAYS u Electronic Reporting Costs Laboratory AnalysisLaboratory Analysis Elevation SurveysElevation Surveys Depth to WaterDepth to Water Locational SurveysLocational Surveys u “The UST Clean Up Fund will pay for all costs that are reasonable, necessary,….and eligible.”

17 HELP! u SWRCB Website u Help Desk Support u Password authorization u Training/Outreach Sessions Clean up agenciesClean up agencies RPs/ConsultantsRPs/Consultants Commercial LaboratoriesCommercial Laboratories u Michael W. Gjerde, Hamid Foolad, SWRCB u ArsenaultLegg

18 HELP: TRAINING u RP/Consultant/Regulator Training u Monday or Tuesday (Same each day) u Morning 1/2 day overview -regulators, RPs, Consultants u Afternoon - 2 Separate Sessions u 1/2 day- EDF & GeoTracker - regulators u 1/2day- Implementation review EDF/GeoTracker - RP/Consultants u Laboratory Training u Wednesday-Fridays, three-day Laboratory COELT/EDF training (only 10-15 people per week)

19 HELP: TRAINING u Emeryville - August 6-10 u Sacramento - August 13-17 u San Diego - August 27-31 u LAX - Sept 10-14 u Fresno - Sept 17-21 u Riverside - Sept 24-28 u 2 Weeks unscheduled

20 SUMMARY u WHY - AB 2886 u WHO - Labs, RPs, Lead Agencies, SWRCB u WHAT - EDF lab reports, GW well locations u WHERE - over Internet to SWRCB GeoTracker u WHEN - Sept 1, 2001 lab data, January 1, 2002 locational data u HELP - SWRCB, ArsenaultLegg



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