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POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF MARCHE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Course of Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering Information Engineering’s Department HEART.

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Presentation on theme: "POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF MARCHE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Course of Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering Information Engineering’s Department HEART."— Presentation transcript:


2 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF MARCHE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Course of Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering Information Engineering’s Department HEART RATE MONITORING IN SPORT Supervisor: Candidate: Dott. Ing. Laura Burattini Francesco Palmieri Correlators: Prof. Ing. Ennio Gambi Dott. Ing. Elvira Maranesi

3 CP Heart rate (HR) - reciprocal of cardiac period (CP) HEART Heart Rate Variability (HRV) -fluctuation degree of heart rate around mean value A.N.S. SYMPATHETIC HR VAGAL HR

4 YESTERDAY TODAY SCD One of the main causes of death in developed countries. INCIDENZA IN ITALIA - 1000 people affected U35 - Most of these during official competition (cases emphasized by the media) HRV Indices like descriptor and predictor indices of the risk of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) recognized by European Society of Cardiology and North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (SDNN<30ms) HRV index of good health

5 Aim:Monitoring Protocol of HR and HRV Prevention Predictors HRV Indices obtained from Time Domain Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis Performance Innovative indices We hope that the monitoring of these indices will become a habit for all sports teams.

6 Instrumentation: Bioharness 3 cardiac sensor by Zephyr - + ACCURACY + FACILITY OF USE + COMFORT + INTERNAL MEMORY + OTHER PARAMETERS (ECG, Breathing rate, posture, pressure) - COST Output Signal: Tachogram

7 TIME DOMAIN HRV ANALYSIS (Implemented by ourself in Matlab) FREQUENCY DOMAIN Indices from tachogram -SDNN -SDSD -RMSSD -pNN50 From Tachogram PSD we obtain: -Total Power (TP) (0.003-0.4) Hz -LF Power, LFn.u. (0.04-0.15) Hz HRV HRV short time (PNS) HRV ANS PNS Sympatho-Vagal Balance -rappow LF/HF -HF Power, HFn.u. (0.15-0.4) Hz

8 PROTOCOL STAGES SRI SEI sEI SRVR SRI RESTEXERCISERECOVERY INDICES: -SDNN -SDSD -RMSSD -pNN50 -HF Power, HFn.u. -LF Power, LFn.u. -TP -LF/HF INDICES: -SDNN -SDSD -HF Power, HFn.u. -LF Power, LFn.u. -TP -LF/HF SRI=Start Rest Index ; SEI=Start Exercise Index ; sEI=stop Exercise Index SRVR=Start Re-establish Variability in Recovery ; SRI=Start Recovery Index

9 RECOVERY STAGE: PERFORMANCE INDICES (Specifically designed by ourself in Matlab) CPmin HRmax=(1/PCmin)*60 HRmax DELTA PC CPmean rec CPmean Ex SRVR DELTA CP STAB Δ CP Δ CPstab sEI TOTAL TIME STAB TIME T tot T stab percCPrec CPmean rest %CP rec ESTIMATED TIME d tot d stab T estimated





14 CONCLUSIONS Purposed protocol Prevenction HRV indices in literature Performance Innovative indices for athletic trainers

15 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Time Monitoring: Monthly or weekly sampling Interested sports teams:Interested sports teams: Virtus Lanciano, Soccer (serie B) BLS Lanciano Basket Adding additional biomedical parameters: (ECG, (ECG, Breathing Rate, etc)

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