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On a Leaders “To Do” List This may be the most important: Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor – Nurture - New Leaders Vineyard Leadership Intensive.

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Presentation on theme: "On a Leaders “To Do” List This may be the most important: Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor – Nurture - New Leaders Vineyard Leadership Intensive."— Presentation transcript:

1 On a Leaders “To Do” List This may be the most important: Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor – Nurture - New Leaders Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture

2 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture IDENTIFY  Know what you’re looking for F.A.S.T. people * Faithful * Available * Servant Heart * Teachable

3 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture A. Family B. Speech patterns C. Appearance D. Conduct with others E. Financial management F. Worship G. Do they receive ministry? H. Do they pray like they know God?

4 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  Identifying New Leaders Guidelines Notice who is NATURALLY LEADING Notice who observes things needing HELP Notice who is a GOOD FIT for a job. Notice who you naturally ENJOY. Notice who is demonstrating a SERVANT HEART Helpful to work off a set of written job description Review “DQ’ed” list. They may not be ready. Time is on your side! PRAY Matthew 9:37

5 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture RECRUIT  Matthew 9:35 – 10:8 Process can be MESSY. Process always required RELATIONSHIP. Process is in cooperation with GOD recruiting. Process is not possible without PRAYER. Lk. 6:12 Look for people who are DRAWN TO YOU. Jn. 6:44 Recruit people you want to BE WITH. Mk. 3:13-14

6 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  How do we recruit? Let people understand the VISION. Invite them to participate in a clearly defined JOB. Utilize the “POWER OF THE ASK”. Acts 1:8 Before you ask them, ASK GOD: Are you drawing this person? Is this the place for them to serve? Are there areas in life they need to develop first  (Not overly impressed by gifting – aware of character)

7 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  Stages of Recruitment: 1. Getting to KNOW THEM. 2. Assess their GIFTING & MATURITY. 3. Map out a DISCIPLISHIP COURSE. 4. Tie the KNOT. 1. Confer with overseeing Pastor 2. Ask them to be part of your team. 3. Get permission to speak into their lives 4. Emphasis on personal growth & servant heart. 5. Develop ROLES & TITLES.

8 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  What is TRAINING? Western training usually is equated to INFORMATION. Western training usually is equated with CLASSES. Western training usually involves SUPERVISION. Jesus training involves COME FOLLOW ME. Jesus training involves WATCH ME DO IT. Jesus training involves “NOW YOU DO IT” I’ll watch. Jesus training involves LEAVING while they do it. Jesus training involves “NOW LET’S TALK”.

9 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  While Training, the leader must: Be ready to ANSWER QUESTIONS BY ASKING. Honestly EVALUATE using little measuring tools. Be willing to say NO. Look for opportunities to PRAISE. Defeat DEPENDENCE & INDEPENDENCE. Build INTERDEPENDENCE through TRUST. Teach the disciple to find their own ANSWERS. Prayer - Study - Relationships

10 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture DEPLOY – send out Matthew 10:1-15 Look at Jesus’ instructions  Where to go  What to preach  What to do  How to pack  What to expect This begins the cutting of the UMBILICAL CHORD

11 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  The disciple must be clear about: They are doing ministry, you are still COACH. What is SUCCESS and what is FAILURE. The ultimate OUTCOME. Their REPORTING relationship to you. In case of CHARACTER FAILURE, they will sit out. The fact that you will continue to give FEEDBACK. Checking first with their OVERSEEING leader.

12 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture MONITOR – a continuation of love How did Jesus monitor His disciples? They REPORTED Mark 6:30 and Luke 10:17-20 They PLACED THEMSELVES in a position of monitoring/learning/coaching so they could continue to grow and be effective. This helped them stay focused on HIS OBJECTIVES.

13 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  Biblical lessons from the One Minute Manager. Keep monitoring SIMPLE & AUTHENTIC.  One Minute of GOAL REVIEW. 3 to 4 main goals – all most of us can handle  One Minute of PRAISE. Make sure it’s genuine but give out at-a-babies. Be specific.  One Minute of REPRIMAND. Build praise bank before making a withdrawal Be specific

14 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  Some keys to Monitoring Define what monitoring will look like.  Formal meetings.  Informal meetings. Don’t wait until you think you can do it perfectly. Continue to define job description and goals. To monitor, you must confront even though it’s scary. Pray consistently for and with your disciples.

15 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture Nurture – the continued continuation of love  Defined: To FEED & PROTECT. To SUPPORT & ENCOURAGE. To maintain GENUINE FRIENDSHIP. To meet PERSONAL NEEDS. To give PRAYER, TIME & COUNSEL.

16 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  To provide nurture, you must identify: What causes them to FLOURISH? What MOTIVATES them? Verbal? Time? Gifts? What creates DISCOURAGEMENT? What DE-MOTIVATES them?

17 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  We all need nurture. We all need: To be REDIRECTED to God. To be REMINDED of our dreams. To REMEMBER to good times. To REFECT that it isn’t suppose to be easy. To REKINDLE passion for the goals. To REFOCUS on eternal reward.

18 Vineyard Leadership Intensive 2008 Identify – Recruit – Train – Deploy – Monitor - Nurture  Practical Way to Nurture Send a THANK YOU CARD. Make a PHONE CALL just to say “hi, how ya do’in”. When they do good, let them KNOW YOU KNOW Just HANG OUT! Help them get to a CONFERENCE. HUGS AFFIRMATIONS – “I believe in you and your dreams PRAY FOR THEM with your hand on them.

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