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Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). Melodramatic Life n Determining the facts of Poe’s life has proved difficult, as lurid legend became entwined with fact even.

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1 Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

2 Melodramatic Life n Determining the facts of Poe’s life has proved difficult, as lurid legend became entwined with fact even before he died. n Some of these legends were spread by Poe himself. n Two days after Poe’s death, his literary executor began a smear campaign, rewriting Poe’s correspondence so as to alienate many of his friends.

3 Some things we do know: n Life is marked by tragedy. n Poe suffered from alcoholic (at the very least) episodes. n Poe battled poverty his entire life and career. n Poe had a fascination with women and considered them “angel-like” creatures.

4 Early Life n Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809, his parents’ second child. n His father deserted the family a year later. n In December 1811, his mother died at twenty-four, and her husband disappeared completely. n Poe was taken in by John Allan, a successful and stable Richmond merchant.

5 College and West Point n Poe spent most of 1826 at the University of West Virginia, doing well in his studies, but running up gambling debts and drinking. n He was admitted at West Point in 1830, but got himself expelled by missing classes and roll calls. n By 1831, Poe had already published three versions of his early poetry.

6 Relationships n He had an extremely strained relationship with his foster father n Eventually went to live with his aunt and 8 year old cousin. n Married his cousin, Virginia, who was almost 13, at the age of 26. The marriage certificate was falsified to show her as older. n His cousin/wife, mother, stepmother, brother all died of Tuberculosis.

7 Fame? n Poe received much attention for the Poem, The Raven, but was only paid $14.

8 Poe’s Death n During the last two years of his life, Poe was seriously ill--perhaps with a brain lesion--and drinking steadily. n On Election Day, October 3, 1949, he was found senseless near a polling place. n Taken to a hospital, he died on October 7, “of congestion of the brain.” n A recent theory is that he died of rabies.

9 Poe worked in a variety of genres (1827-1849) n Criticism--he gained a national reputation as a virulently sarcastic critic, a literary hatchetman. The bulk of his writing consists of his criticism, and his most abiding ambition was to become a powerful critic. n Poetry--He was an experimental poet. n Psychological fiction--He wanted to produce the greatest possible horrific effects on the reader. n Detective Story--Poe created this form when he was 32, will all its major conventions complete.

10 Characteristics of Poe’s detective stories n Poe places veiled clues before the reader. n The writer/narrator strives to appear objective. –Poe would have liked to solve everything by the mind. –He was disturbed by what he could not solve by reason. n The climax of the story is the narrator’s explanation of the crime.

11 Poe and the Gothic n Poe did not want to write gothic stories; he started his career spoofing the Gothic. n He said that he wrote, “Tales of terror, not of Germany, but of the soul.” n He transformed tales of terror into psychological stories; he delved into the mysterious recesses of the human mind.

12 Elements of Gothic in Poe’s Fiction n Grim setting –Landscapes are often reflections of character’s mind. –Unusual buildings, extremes of nature, eccentric works of art –Very few of his stories take place in America; most take place in Europe or Never-never-land.

13 Other elements of the Gothic n Hidden evil –Unspeakable, mysterious crimes, including incest and parracide n Obsession with Death –Ghosts, blood, body parts n Maniacal Laughter n The discovered manuscript –gives responsibility to someone else n Deformity –the groteque--people who don’t look right are capable of activity beyond the norm

14 An element of Poe’s style n Poe uses vocabulary to create setting, for rhetorical effect, rather than for information. n Modern horror films use music to create atmosphere; Poe used vocabulary.

15 Hawthorne/Poe n Hawthorne described the conflict between the intellect and heart. n Poe described the conflict between two sides of the intellect.

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