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The Age of Anxiety Chapter 26 Section 5 Notes 6.0.

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1 The Age of Anxiety Chapter 26 Section 5 Notes 6.0

2 Objective… Explain why the Cold War was an “age of anxiety.” Describe how American society reacts to the “age of anxiety.”

3 What fears were associated with the Cold War? Peace was precarious… Nuclear proliferation… Internal threats raised by McCarthyism…

4 Secretary of State Dean Acheson 1949-1953 Advocates: “a permanent alert against Communism”

5 What encouraged the development of the two-income family? Post – war “Baby Boom”… Post – war spending spree… Women experienced working during WWII… Maintain middle-class standard of living…

6 National Fertility Rate The Baby Boom 1933: 75 per 1,000 females 1945: 109 per 1,000 females 1957: 118 per 1,000 females

7 What concerns were there about the two-income family? 86% disapproved of women working if jobs scarce and husband could support her Appeals to return to “traditional” family – bulwark against communism

8 Concerns… Dr. Benjamin Spock –Baby and Child Care – women should devote full time to maternal responsibilities J. Edgar Hoover – fight crime and communism – stay home College curriculums  prepare women for marriage

9 Education Teachers – “strengthen national security through education” – teach superiority of American democratic system – prepare for Soviet attack – “Zeal for Democracy”

10 How did organized religion and education respond to the Cold War? Billy Graham –Wanted “God-centered homes” to fight communism –Worried about moral contagion, juvenile delinquency, and communism

11 The Reverend Billy Graham

12 Bomb Shelters

13 “Duck and cover”

14 The Congressional Bunker Greenbrier, West Virginia


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