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Presentation on theme: "SHARING A HIGH SPEED OPTICAL DATA TRANSMISSION LINK WITH SLOW CONTROL STREAM TIPP2014 Amsterdam June 2-6 2014 Zhen-An LIU, Jingzhou Zhao, Dehui Sun, Trigger."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHARING A HIGH SPEED OPTICAL DATA TRANSMISSION LINK WITH SLOW CONTROL STREAM TIPP2014 Amsterdam June 2-6 2014 Zhen-An LIU, Jingzhou Zhao, Dehui Sun, Trigger Lab IHEP, Beijing R. Itoh, H. Nakao, IPNS, KEK

2 Overview of experiment data readout Components for a high speed data transmission link(Hslink) Requirement of the slow control/parameter setting Sharing Hslink with slow control in Belle II Test results and status Summary Outline 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 2

3 Overview of experiment data readout Components for a high speed data transmission link(Hslink) Requirement of the slow control/parameter setting Sharing Hslink with slow control in Belle II Test results and status Summary Outline 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 3

4 Fast Control Clocks, trigger, reset,… Slow Control GAS, HV,LV,…. CAMAC/VME/CPCI… crate BUS Gains, thresholds, Peds, window size, delay…. Tranditional Experiment Block Diagram Detectors Weak Elec. Signals FE Electronics Amp. + Shaping Digitizer Trigger/Fast Control Onl. Readout Offline Analysis Data Storage Phys. Process 粒子粒子 Slow Control PC/Crate 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 4

5 FEE + DIGI near Detector No crate for FEE, no bus anymore. High speed data transmission link to back end readout FEE parameter setting is very important! BUT how? Share with the Fast link? Modern Experiment Block Diagram 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 5

6 Overview of experiment data readout Components for a high speed data transmission link(Hslink) Requirement of the slow control/parameter setting Sharing Hslink with slow control in Belle II Test results and status Summary Outline 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 6

7 General high speed link Single direction up link: Front to Back End 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 7 FIFO_FE PROTOCOL &control PROTOCOL &control 16bit 32bi t From FEE TTC interface TTC interface GTP CLK_LKCLK_FE GTP Opticalfiber receiver BL_SNDR BL_RSVR 16bit 32bi t 16bit FIFO_CO PROTOCOL &control PROTOCOL &control CLK_LK FEE interface COPPER interface Nev_FE 16bit Optical transceiver not shown

8 Overview of experiment data readout Components for a high speed data transmission link(Hslink) Requirement of the slow control/parameter setting Sharing Hslink with slow control in Belle II Test results and status Summary Outline 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 8

9 General high speed link with SC Up and Down links Modify the protocol parts on both sides, Fast&SC control in receiver side FEE/SC control 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 9 FIFO_FE PROTOCOL &control PROTOCOL &control 16bit 32bi t From FEE TTC interface TTC interface GTP CLK_LKCLK_FE GTP Opticalfiber receiver BL_SNDR BL_RSVR 16bit 32bi t 16bit FIFO_CO PROTOCOL &control PROTOCOL &control CLK_LK FEE/SC interface Fast & Slow control interface Nev_FE 16bit Optical transceiver not shown

10 Overview of experiment data readout Components for a high speed data transmission link(Hslink) Requirement of the slow control/parameter setting Sharing Hslink with slow control in Belle II Test results and status Summary Outline 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 10

11 Belle2link in Belle II experiment Unified high speed data readout and transmission 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 11 Bellle2Link

12 Requirement to Belle2Link Belle2Link is a name for global fast data readout and transmission between Detector Front-End Electronics(FEE) and Back-End DAQ system of Belle II experiment. It features, with system simplicity and reliability, as: 1.unification in hardware design(for each detector sub-system) 2.unification in firmware design(for each detector sub-system) 3.provides electrical isolation 4.provides high speed transmission rate at different input data rate(with different detector sub-system) 6.home brew transmission protocol d d SVD FEE COPPER HS links RF ClocK CDC FEE ……… PID KLM TTC I/F_FE I/F_TTC I/F_COPPER Slow control

13 Implementation of Slow Control Parameter setting only Unification, suitable for all systems, not system dependent Easy implementation for FEE as was with Belle FINESSE Provide CDC implementation as an example for FEE Tested working with CDC Requirement for Slow Control/parameter setting in Belle II d d SVD FEE COPPER HS links RF ClocK CDC FEE ……… PID KLM TTD I/F_FE I/F_TTC I/F_COPPER Slow control Belle2Link: A unified fast data collection and transmission plus slow control function 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 13

14 Difficulties Larger parameter data size(>128byte) needed How to make the belle2link transparent to FEE and local buss New scheme has to be defined FEE and HSLB share the address on local bus Both FEE board and HSLB have the independent version records. Local Bus Interface AddressDescriptionNote 0x00-0x74User defined 0x75HSLB CSR 0x76FEE FW Ver. #Mandatory 0x77FEE HW Ver. #Mandatory 0x78FEE TypeMandatory 0x79Belle2link FEE FW ver. #Mandatory 0x7aHSLB Download Flag2 0x7bHSLB Download Flag1 0x7cBelle2link HSLB CPLD Ver. 0x7dBelle2link HSLB FW ver. #Mandatory 0x7e Belle2link HSLB HW ver. # Mandatory 0x7fReservedmandatory 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 14

15 FEE side(Parameter Bus) Keep the definition of local bus of COPPER. AB0-AB6: Local address bus. DB0-DB7: Local data bus. LWR: Read/write direction indicator. EN: ready signal. An indicated address 0x00 is for serial transmission The FEE registers are are transparent to COPPER via Belle2link. Implementation of Slow Control 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 15

16 Receicer side (HSLB/FINESSE side)Two approaches) First approach Large stream(>128B) Address 0X00: for this approach Second approach Large stream(<128B or individual setting ) Address 0X01- 0x74: Length up to 127B Address/Data meaning definition by user Implement on FEE side 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 16

17 Firmware Description - Structure of HSLB firmware Protocol Send the slow control command after packing Receive the package from GTP module Check the packages and unpack them Separate the data and transfer them to slow control module or data link module Data Link module Receive the data of FEE, transmit the data and the clock to the COPPER FIFO 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 17 Send after packing

18 Firmware Description — Structure of Belle2lin firmware in FEE Protocol Receive the package from GTP module, check the packages and unpack them, put to the FEE slow control. Slow control send result to SC module Transfer the data form FEE, and arbitrate the priority between slow control module and data link module Data Link module Receive the data from FEE. Pack the data 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 18

19 Firmware Description - Structure of HSLB firmware Protocol Send the slow control command after packing Receive the package from GTP module Check the packages and unpack them Separate the data and transfer them to slow control module or data link module Data Link module Receive the data of FEE, transmit the data and the clock to the COPPER FIFO 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 19

20 Overview of experiment data readout Components for a high speed data transmission link(Hslink) Requirement of the slow control/parameter setting Sharing Hslink with slow control in Belle II Test results and status Summary Outline 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 20

21 Model system-- Joint test at KEK Setup: CDC-Prototype + 16ch FEE + fiber+ HSLB +COPPER + VME crate + File server  Data from radioactive source  Line rate: 3.125Gbps  Data sample 3M events collected 10k events analyzed controlled trigger rate FPGA CDC readout FPGA HSLRB FPGA HSLRB Line rate=1.5Gbps CLK_Lk=200MHz,CLK_FEE=125MHz CLK_Lk=200MHz,CLK_CO=42.3MHz On board reset switch 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 21

22 Cosmic Ray test on CDC detector CDC FEE Test signals and trigger COPPE R HSLBs Fibers TTD 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 22

23 Status Slow Control/Parameter setting is part of Belle2link. Belle2link Working Group responsible the plantation to other systems CDC, SVD, EMC are successful and expect no error with other system. More tests will be made to the remaining systems. Installation stating next year. 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 23

24 Sharing HSLink with slow control makes system simple. As part of the Belle2link of Belle II experiment, slow control/parameter setting has been proved reliable. Tests with different systems shouwed that sharing HSLink with slow control is feasible basically in all case. Many Thanks for your attention ! Summary 2014-6-6Z.-A. LIU TIPP2014 in Amsterdam 24

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