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LHCONE NETWORK SERVICES INTERFACE (NSI) POINT-TO-POINT TESTBED WITH ATLAS SITES Shawn McKee/Univ. of Michigan Kaushik De/Univ. of Texas Arlington (Thanks.

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Presentation on theme: "LHCONE NETWORK SERVICES INTERFACE (NSI) POINT-TO-POINT TESTBED WITH ATLAS SITES Shawn McKee/Univ. of Michigan Kaushik De/Univ. of Texas Arlington (Thanks."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHCONE NETWORK SERVICES INTERFACE (NSI) POINT-TO-POINT TESTBED WITH ATLAS SITES Shawn McKee/Univ. of Michigan Kaushik De/Univ. of Texas Arlington (Thanks to Artur Barczyck, Tony Wildish, Vlad Lapadatescu for original CMS version of these slides) October 21, 2014 smckee@umich.edu1

2 We are looking for a few ATLAS sites to participate in the LHCONE point-to-point network testbed “A proof of concept experiment, to be evaluated afterwards by ATLAS and LHCONE community, to decide where to go next.” Many things are still open regarding the implementation and initial testbed participants will help set the direction Goal (ATLAS view, reminder) October 21, 2014

3 To participate sites will need a few things: –Interested, willing participants from the ATLAS site AND the local network providers –A dynamic circuit WAN core (e.g. AutoGOLE based as per Gerben’s LHCONE proposal?) Let’s call it Bandwidth-on-Demand (BoD) in the following, without loss of generality Defines Service Termination Points (STPs) for each participating site Could be GOLE, site border, inside campus, … Internet2, ESnet and Dante/GEANT should all qualify for this item –A static extension from the BoD STP to the server sending/receiving data…there are many options Dedicated connection? Local VLAN? “long tail” VLAN, MPLS, etc.? –Data server at the site (see next slide) –A control plane implementation/interface from the user app ATLAS: PanDA/DaTri requesting circuits/capacity between sites Being developed as part of the ANSE and ASCR-BigPanDA projects –A VM/physical server to host the site agent (see next slide) Site Expectations October 21, 2014

4 Pictorial October 21, 2014 smckee@umich.edu4 Site A Agent Transfer Node (FDT or GridFTP) Transfer Node (FDT or GridFTP) Site B Agent PanDA/DaTri Agent NSA_N NSA_1 STP A STP B Static tail (site dependent) Static tail (site dependent) LHCONE p-t-p Multi-domain Fabric Request circuit New path Start transfer 1) Request circuit 1 Data Plane Control Plane 2) Inform agent of new path 3) Transfer on new path 2 In development Currently in place Interfaces 3

5 Challenges October 21, 2014 smckee@umich.edu5 Site addressing –More generally how to allow the sites to exchange data over the p2p circuit –Many options here and this can be very site- specific Coupling sites to backbone services –Both on the data and control planes Integrating PheDEx and PanDA/DaTri with circuits (middleware integration) Planning for moving tests into using production services

6 Preferred path forward is to –use dedicated test servers to not interfere with production –starting with a few sites initially –Build from there “horizontally”, adding sites “vertically”, moving to use production resources Current list of sites –AGLT2 –DE-KIT –Seeking additional sites with real use cases (at least one more in North America and in Europe) Timescale January-February 2015 for initial tests Email Shawn McKee if your site is interested in participating First steps October 21, 2014

7 QUESTIONS & COMMENTS Shawn McKee October 21, 2014 smckee@umich.edu7

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