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A School for Arts and Ideas. The da Vinci Academy is a collaborative learning community dedicated to the education of innovative, empowered citizens of.

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Presentation on theme: "A School for Arts and Ideas. The da Vinci Academy is a collaborative learning community dedicated to the education of innovative, empowered citizens of."— Presentation transcript:

1 A School for Arts and Ideas

2 The da Vinci Academy is a collaborative learning community dedicated to the education of innovative, empowered citizens of our world. Our mission is to educate and enrich all learners to their highest potential by engaging in a blended approach of academics through the integration of arts, science, and ideas.

3 Arts Integration is our pathway of teaching and learning. Students construct and demonstrate understanding through visual and performing arts by engaging in a creative process; this connects an art form with another academic area and meets evolving objectives in both.

4 The curriculum taught is based on the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS)/Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading: Balanced Literacy, Reading Street, Reading in Content Areas Writing: Every Child a Writer, Writing in Content Areas Math: Everyday Math, Standout Math, Math Facts Social Studies: Integrated Units Science: Foss Science Kits, co-taught by Science teacher and classroom teachers

5  RtI (Response to Intervention)- support for any student within the regular classroom and additional support if needed in academics or behavior. The overarching purpose of RtI implementation is to improve educational outcomes for all students.  SMART Time- 5 week cycles (one per quarter), 3 days of intervention per week for 25 minutes for all students. Groups are determined by a body of evidence. Data is reviewed at least quarterly and groups change based on the data.

6  English Language Learning (ELL)  Resource (Special Education)  Enrichment (grades K-2), TAG (Grades 3-5)  Academic Support Coaches  Math Coach- supports teachers  RTI Interventionist  Counselor- PbiS/Character Education/Reach TV

7 Visual Art Vocal Music Spanish Drama Science Movement Information Literacy- Technology and Library

8 “Informances” through Galleries (K-5); Students share their learning through the arts. K- Kindness, 1 st - Winter, 2 nd - da Vinci, 3 rd - Poetry Café, 4 th - Colorado History, 5 th - Human Body Circus Electives (grades 4-5) student choice for exploration and curriculum enrichment Spanish, Guitar, Scenic Design (4 th & 5 th ) Yearbook, Tech-theater (5th) Prelude (Drama, Movement, Music) (4 th ) Musical (Drama, Movement, Music) (5 th )

9 The da Vinci Academy discipline code teaches the philosophy and practices of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program. The da Vinci Academy has four basic behavioral expectations, which are simple, easy to understand and remember. As da Vinci dragons, we have the acronym SOAR, which stands for SAFETY, OWN IT, ATTITUDE and RESPECT. SOAR is for all students, staff and parents to support and model everywhere!

10 SAFETY Our expectation for each other is to know and follow the rules and listen to adults. OWN IT Our expectation for each other is to be responsible for the choices we make and to accept the consequences of our choices. ATTITUDE Our expectation for each other is to be cooperative and a positive role model. RESPECT Our expectation for each other is to honor ourselves, others, and property.

11 Clubs are supported and taught by our staff and community members. Band (4 th /5 th ) Strings (3 rd -5 th ) Battle of the Books (5 th ) Opera Club (4 th /5 th ) Choir (3 rd -5 th ) and da Vinci Voices STEM Club (1 st -5 th ) Dance Intramural Sports Library Club Maker Space (Art) Midi Piano Kindness and Compassion Club Robotics

12 Volunteer training Sept. 4th 9:00 am Sept. 8 th 3:15 pm SAC- School Accountability Committee Third Friday of each month 11:00 am First meeting is Sept. 19 Parent Sounding Board First Wednesday of each month 9:00 am We need two representatives

13 TdVA Weekly Communication (Alert Now)- Mondays Upcoming events, dates, and information Wednesday Folders Additional information from school and district Teacher Communication Email and calls returned within 24 hours Concerns or Questions Just let us know! Keep Contact Info Current Phone, email, address

14 All parents are automatically members- no dues PTO Board President- Dorothy Schley Some Board positions are still open Events and Activities Welcome Back Carnival- Sept. 12 th Family Dance Bingo Nights Donuts for Dads Muffins for Moms Teacher Grants Donation Only Fundraiser

15 Kindness: “Be a Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud” - Maya Angelou

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