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SME Associates LLC Providing Innovative Solutions DRONE MONITORING JAMES P. MENGE PE, CHP 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SME Associates LLC Providing Innovative Solutions DRONE MONITORING JAMES P. MENGE PE, CHP 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SME Associates LLC Providing Innovative Solutions DRONE MONITORING JAMES P. MENGE PE, CHP 1

2 Background  Every day various quantities of particulates, vapors, gases and radionuclides are discharged to the environment.  Ground level monitoring is the past when we can measure stack emissions and plumes with Outfitted UAV Drones  The released airborne radioactive pollutants can be summarized into the following categories:  Gaseous  Vapor  Particulate 2

3 Drone Monitoring 3

4 UAV Drone Limitations  Three key factors  Flight Time  Payload  Ease of Use  The smaller hobby drones offered for EPLAN applications with a 12 -20 minute flying times are simply not practical for real world Emergency Planning scenarios.  These smaller drones have very limited payload capabilities 4

5 DRONE MONITORING PACKAGES 5 DRONES can be Fitted for various Monitoring Packages based on sensitivity & Customer Requirements Chemical or Biohazards with Specific Filter Media for collection

6 LANCER LANCER GAMMA SPEC 6 The Lancer Gamma Spec is the most advanced heavy duty, heavy lift, long endurance, multi-rotor UAV with real-time gamma spectroscopy available for Beyond Line of Sight applications. The Lancer offers greater than 1.5 hours of air time with speed bursts of up to 75 mph. All viewed through a Virtual Reality VR headset. The Lancer is outfitted with a with a high resolution CZT detector for full gamma spectroscopy. STATE OF ART UAV MONITORING SYSTEMS

7 LANCER UAV SYSTEM 7 MISSION: Long range, real-time gamma spectroscopy, Emergency planning. CRUISE SPEED: 30 MPH BURST SPEED: 75 mph FLIGHT TIME ENDURANCE: Greater than 1.5 hours depending on mission and payload EMPTY WEIGHT: 15 LBS. (6.8) Kg MAX TAKE-OFF WEIGHT: 132 LBS, (60 KG) WINGSPAN: 78.75 in (2000 mm) AUTOPILOT: GPS Waypoint/Grid Capable WIND TOLERANCE: 45 mph TEMP RANGE: -17°F to 120°F In the event of a nuclear meltdown or other radiation event, evacuations will inevitably jam major ground transportation arteries making response and conventional radiation surveys difficult, if not impossible. The Lancer is unaffected by roadway conditions, is waterproof, and has a broad operating temperature.


9 DRONE MONITORING SYSTEMS Thank You SME Associates LLC Providing Innovating Solutions 9

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