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REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 2010. Distribution of PANCAP Membership by Category.

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2 Distribution of PANCAP Membership by Category

3 Regional Coordinating Mechanism in Action

4 Country Representation on RCM 2010-2011 Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda Guyana Montserrat Saint Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines

5 Functions of PACC Technical Guidance in Planning and Programming Facilitate Collaboration among Regional Support Agencies Advise on Resource Needs Monitor Implementation and ensure Evaluation of CRSF PACCPACC

6 PANCAP Constitution Articles of Association define:  Objectives of PANCAP  Roles and functions of organs  Management arrangements  Duties and responsibilities of partners  Dispute resolution  Establishment of “reserve fund”

7 Re-organized PANCAP Coordinating Unit

8 Strategic Developments – PCU  Development of PBOP, 2010-2011  Integrated planning, programming and reporting  Successful resource mobilization efforts  Support to NAPs in strategic planning  Key instruments to promote human rights  HIV Policy briefs/guidelines for key sectors  Re-launching of robust PANCAP website

9  Creating an enabling environment  Intersectoral response  Prevention  Treatment, care and support  Capacity development  Monitoring, evaluation, research CRSF Priority Areas

10 Delivery of Regional Public Goods and Services

11 Status of National HIV Strategic Planning Processes Note:Assessment conducted in 19 countries

12 Towards Universal Access

13 Creating an Enabling Environment  Regional Model Policy on HIV-related S&D  Model Anti-Discrimination Law  HIV Anti-Stigma Toolkits  High-level Symposium on HIV and Human Rights

14 Results of Regional HIV Testing Day 2007-2009 * Data for one country not available

15 Estimated Coverage with ART in the Caribbean, 2009 Source: Universal Access Update, 2010 – WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF

16 PANCAP/Brazil Cooperation Agreement Benefits in Past Year:  ARVs for 500 persons in the OECS  Study tour to Brazil by M&E Officers  TA in curriculum development and training  Caribbean youth involvement in Brazilian Youth Congress on HIV Prevention  Training on strengthening CSO involvement in HIV programmes

17 PANCAP at 18 th IAC

18  PEPFAR II - US 100m over 5 year  Global Fund Round 9 - US 31m over 5 years  GTZ - EUR 2.5m over 3 years New Financing Agreements

19 Issues, Challenges, Recommendations

20  Full Implementation of CRSF  Strengthening National Strategic Planning Processes  Advancing the Human Rights Agenda  Scaling-up Treatment  Strengthening CSOs  Establishment of Technical Support Facility

21 Saying Thanks To:  Broad PANCAP membership  Annual General Meeting  RCM and its various sub-committees  CARICOM Secretariat  PANCAP Coordinating Unit  Professor Edward Greene

22 Thank You!!

23 To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS The Emerging PANCAP Agenda To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS  Enhanced country level response – technical and financial support  Emphasis on most-at-risk population - prevention  Strengthening regional and national networks of PLHIV  Reducing stigma and discrimination  Enhanced strategic information

24 To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Thank You!! To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS


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