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Chapter Two Vanessa Bagnara and Eric Serrano. The “Push For Communism” And The “Retreat To Socialism In “History Will Absolve Me”, Castro’s defense for.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Two Vanessa Bagnara and Eric Serrano. The “Push For Communism” And The “Retreat To Socialism In “History Will Absolve Me”, Castro’s defense for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Two Vanessa Bagnara and Eric Serrano

2 The “Push For Communism” And The “Retreat To Socialism In “History Will Absolve Me”, Castro’s defense for the Moncada attack were land, industrialization, housing, unemployment, education, and health. Castro made Cuba’s economy less dependent on sugar in 1959, improving the economy Castro nationalized U.S. oil refineries in Cuba, straining their relationship with the U.S. In response U.S. refused to honor pre revolutionary sugar- export accords and ultimately led to a trade embargo Cuba’s alliance with the U.S. broke in result Castro could not generate enough capital investment and imported inputs. Poor planning by an inexperienced government and the U.S. embargo hurt production. Costs of many crops were higher than sugar and sugar yields dropped 2 Million tons from 1959-1963 Resources were diverted from production for exports to production for the domestic market Cuba shifted from having the best import- export ration to having the worst import- export ratio in Latin America In 1963, the Cuban government reverted back to the pre revolutionary emphasis on sugar.

3 Private Ownerships no longer existed (Exceptions: Agriculture and Private retail trade) Government pushed remaining private farmers to incorporate their properties into the state sector. Elimination of private ownerships increased wages for poorest workers guaranteed employment policy equalized earnings Rationing began in 1962 Government expanded free social services Government attacked social distinctions and privileges Newly created state organizations facilitated the “push for communism” Workers labored more for less material reward Lost the right to strike and organize independently of the state In 1969, government implemented and identity card “labor file” system Toward A Utopian Future: The Latter 1960’s “Push For Communism

4 Why the official “Retreat to socialism” and the opening to capitalism?

5 Impact of the “Retreat to socialism” and the opening to the west

6 Conclusion

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