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Https:// Validation – Scooter Guy Write a Blog post answering the following questions: What was the video about? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Https:// Validation – Scooter Guy Write a Blog post answering the following questions: What was the video about? What."— Presentation transcript:


2 Validation – Scooter Guy Write a Blog post answering the following questions: What was the video about? What did Scooter Guy do wrong? What did his mistake cost him? What should he have done from the beginning? What was the end result of his mistake? How did he fix it? What did you learn from this video?

3 Validation is Key It is vital to qualify or validate what you are thinking and doing every step of the way in your start up venture. The only way you will know if you are onto something is to talk to your early adopters.

4 Questions to ask… Are they experiencing the problem you are working on? How they are experiencing it? How it is effecting them?  What solution they currently use?  Does it work for them?  Would they prefer a different solution?  If so what would they like that solution to look like?  What do they currently pay for the solution they are using? From this validation your solution will be born.

5 The Survey The purpose of a survey is to find out: Is there a real market? Are we solving a “real” problem? What do people want to use? Is there something else they are after? How much is it worth to them? What is the best revenue model?

6 Qualitative Vs Quantitative Qualitative What - Face to face interviews Why - better quality of information When – as much as possible at every stage Where – GET OUT OF THE BUILDING! How – Ask open ended questions allowing for both positive and negative validation Quantitative What – Online surveys Why – wider reach When – as much as possible at every stage Where – Online/Email/ Groups via survey monkey How – Yes/No, multiple choice and questions that allow for both positive and negative validation

7 Data Collection methods… QUALITATIVE Face to face Shopping centres Sports grounds School Family & friends QUANTITATIVE Google forms Typeform Polldaddy Survey monkey Poll everywhere Floq Twitter / facebook

8 Putting Your Survey Together In your groups of 2 you will now put your survey questions together based on your 2 top ideas. Your homework for next week is: to send your survey out in a quantitative fashion via a survey tool of your choice to at least 50 people. To get out and speak with at least 10 early adopters (qualitative survey), and get as much feedback from them as possible.

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