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Fat Loss Factor by Dr. Charles Livingston, D.C The “Most Wanted” Diet & Fat Loss Program on the Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "Fat Loss Factor by Dr. Charles Livingston, D.C The “Most Wanted” Diet & Fat Loss Program on the Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fat Loss Factor by Dr. Charles Livingston, D.C The “Most Wanted” Diet & Fat Loss Program on the Internet

2 Fat Loss Factor by Dr. Charles Livingston, D.C Hi... i'm jack willshare. First of all, let me give you double thumbs-up for taking your time reading this simple presentation, because you won't regret it! I promise :)‏ This presentation is definitely not a review. So don't worry, i'm here not trying to promote or to sell the Fat Loss Factor program to you (which is sold above US$ 30). In fact, this powerpoint is my tool to share the book with everyone... in COMPLETE PACKAGE for FREE! Proceed to Next Page >>>

3 Yes... i'm giving it away for FREE (of course for everyone who needed the book, or in other words: “the ones that want to lose weight in a safe and a healthy way”). BUT, i have one important thing that i want to ask to you. Please consider to support the author by purchasing the book through author's website when you have money, or if you feel that his/her program is helpful to you. If you agree with above terms, then you can go to the download page (next page). Proceed to Next Page >>> Fat Loss Factor by Dr. Charles Livingston, D.C

4 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a better, faster way to burn fat. HIIT will elevate your metabolism one to two days after your workout and skyrocket your metabolism. This principle is in line with the Law of Adaptation: constantly changing yourpacesothatyourbodyhasto“think”andadapt. Hereistheproblem:ourbodiesweren’tdesignedtorunlong distances. In fact, we are the only animals on the planet that run five miles or more at a time. Doing so actually goes against our genetics. Humans were designed for more stop-go activities, involving short bursts of exertion. Most competitive sports are based on this. Consistent, steady-state aerobic exercise will eventually destroy your joints and your immune system. Anaerobic, or stop-go exercise, will actually strengthen your immune system, improve your joints, and increase your energy. This is because you are being congruent with your genetics rather than working against them. HIIT takes only 20 minutes two to four times a week. Depending on which part of the fat loss factor workout you are doing. >>> Click Here if you want to read the ebook's preview first <<<Click Here DOWNLOAD Fat Loss Factor by Dr. Charles Livingston, D.C

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