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Australia /Finance Review. How does the high literacy rate in Australia affect its economy and enhance the standard of living for its citizens? 1.It has.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia /Finance Review. How does the high literacy rate in Australia affect its economy and enhance the standard of living for its citizens? 1.It has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australia /Finance Review

2 How does the high literacy rate in Australia affect its economy and enhance the standard of living for its citizens? 1.It has no effect 2.It increases GDP and decreases human capital 3.It increases human capital, GDP, and standard of living 4.It decreases GDP but increases standard of living

3 3.It increases human capital, GDP, and standard of living

4 Gaining more money from taxes and protecting nations’ businesses from other foreign companies is an example of which trade barrier? 1.Quota 2.Tariff 3.Mountains 4.Embargo

5 2. Tariff

6 Which “silent weapon” killed many Aborigines 1.Contaminated food 2.Guns 3.Animals 4.Disease

7 4. disease

8 Where did Australia’s first settlers originate? 1. England 2. Africa 3. South America 4. Asia


10 Which of the following countries does not have a similar system of government? 1.Mexico 2.United Kingdom 3.Canada 4.Australia

11 2. United Kingdom… it’s unitary not federal

12 6.15% of Australia’s land is arable. What does arable mean? 1. Soil which is difficult to grow crops 2. Soil suitable for farming 3. Land which is covered by timber 4. Land similar to Canada’s Canadian Shield

13 2. Soil suitable for farming

14 Why did the British send prisoners to Australia? 1.Australia had a beautiful landscape. 2.Australia had land suitable for housing. 3.Britain lost the land that they previously used for convicts to America. 4. The British made an agreement with the Aborigines to use their land.

15 3. Britain lost the land that they previously used for convicts to America.

16 TRUE or FALSE: Coal is one of Australia’s main resources. 1.True 2.False

17 1. TRUE

18 A remote location, scarcely populated, where there are few natural resources best describes: 1.Coral Reef 2.Coastal Cities 3.Outback 4.Oceania

19 3. Outback

20 Which group of people contributed MOST to the colonization of Australia? 1. doctors 2. prisoners 3. artists 4. indigenous

21 2. prisoners

22 What climate type is found on Australia’s eastern coast? 1.Dry 2.Tropical 3.Mild 4.Tundra

23 3. Mild

24 How did the Ice Age impact Australia? 1.It offered more fishing to early explorers 2.It provided natives with water and ice 3.The low sea levels allowed people to migrate from Asia to Australia by land 4.There was no impact on Australia

25 3.The low sea levels allowed people to migrate from Asia to Australia by land

26 Which major physical feature does the Great Barrier Reef touch? 1.Indian Ocean 2.Darling River 3.Oceania 4.Coral Sea


28 Why did the population of Aborigines decrease more in the 19 th century? 1.The indigenous were taken to Europe 2.The Aborigines were dying of disease 3.The tribes were having conflicts 4.The British population mixed with the Aborigine population

29 2. The Aborigines were dying of disease

30 What is the religion of the Aborigines? 1.Roman Catholic 2.No religion is practiced 3.Christianity 4.Dreamtime


32 Where do the majority of Australians live? 1.Northwest 2.Along the coasts 3.Eastern and southeastern coasts 4.Outback

33 3. Eastern and southeastern coasts

34 What is the title of Queen Elizabeth in relation to Australia? 1.Governer 2.Head of State 3.President 4.Prime Minister

35 2. Head of State

36 Having 2 houses in the legislature is called: 1.Bicameral 2.Bilingual 3.Bilegislatre 4.Bi-casas

37 1. Bicameral

38 Stocks, bonds, mutual funds are examples of: 1. Saving 2. Income 3. Investments 4. Budget

39 3. Investments

40 What type of economy does Australia have? 1.Market 2.Traditional 3.Mixed 4.Command

41 3. Mixed

42 In which century did the British begin to colonize Australia? 1. 15 th century 2. 16 th century 3. 17 th century 4. 18 th century


44 Amy works at Macys. She earns $1,000 a month. What is this statement an example of? 1.Amy’s budget 2.Amy’s expenses 3.Amy’s savings 4.Amy’s income


46 Technology, machines, services, manufacturing, phones are all example of which type of productive resource/good? 1.Natural 2.Capital 3.Human 4.Entrepreneur

47 2. Capital

48 High-tech job skills, education, literacy rate are all examples of which type of productive resource/good? 1.Natural 2.Capital 3.Human 4.Entrepreneur

49 3. Human

50 Identify the English explorer who claimed Australia for England 1.John Cabot 2.Henry Hudson 3.James Cook 4.James Baker

51 3. James Cook

52 What is a penal colony? 1.Location to house the rich 2.Location to house convicts 3.Location to house the indigenous 4.Location to house wild animals

53 2. Location to house convicts

54 Which item did the Aborigines invent? 1. atlas 2. cannon 3. boomerang 4. slingshot

55 3. boomerang

56 1.Located in Northeast Australia 2.several fish and organisms live here 3.located in the Coral Sea All of these clues describe: 1.Great Barrier Reef 2.Ayers Rock 3.Great Victoria Desert 4.Oceania

57 1. Great Barrier Reef

58 1.Located in Northeast Australia 2.Home to the Great Barrier Reef 3.Empties into the Pacific Ocean. These clues describe: 1.Great Victoria Desert 2.Coral Sea 3.Great Barrier Reef 4.Oceania

59 2. Coral Sea

60 Stretches across central Australia, monolith with a 6 mile circumference best describes: 1.Great Victoria Desert 2.Coral Sea 3.Oceania 4.Ayers Rock/Uluru


62 Name Australia’s type and system of Government 1.Autocracy, Unitary 2.Democracy, Federal 3.Democracy, Unitary 4.Autocracy, Federal

63 2. Democracy, Federal

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