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MAKING A LAW ASSIGNMENT. You have been elected as a representative from your local riding (area). The people of your area have asked you to address a.

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2 You have been elected as a representative from your local riding (area). The people of your area have asked you to address a key problem that has plagued your community. In response, you have designed a bill that you hope will be passed into law so that it will pass through the political process

3 THE PROBLEM 1.Identify a key need or problem in society that needs to be addressed. As a requirement you need to conduct research (statistics, stories) that confirm the problem you have identified. For example, if you identified youth crime as a problem, find statistics that identifies the levels of youth crime in Canada.

4 THE SOLUTION 2. Present an overview of your solution. You must include the key concept behind the law you intend to propose. Explain what you hope to implement and what you hope to achieve. Find any statistics or stories that will support your anticipated conclusions. This should be written as a mission statement for your proposed law.

5 CURRENT LAW/SITUATION 3. Identify any current laws that are related to your topic. Explain why these laws are inadequate in attempting to address the problems you have identified.

6 THE PROPOSED LAW 4. Present your completed law. Your law needs to be written in specific legal wording that includes the following: what your law prohibits and what the punishment will be if someone violates your law. One thing to consider is whether your punishment becomes more severe every time an individual repeats the offence. Make sure you identify the appropriate ministry from which your law will originate.

7 RESULTS 5. Identify any key positive and negative results that will likely result from your bill. Be honest in your response.

8 TIMELINE 6. Include a timeline of implementation. When do you expect your law to be implemented?

9 FORMAT: The assignment can be completed on a bristol board or in Power Point format. The assignment must have the specific areas addressed above. The assignment must be written in proper grammatical format. The assignment should include statistics, diagrams, charts, and existing laws to supplement your ideas. The assignment should be presented in a professional manner.

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